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verb | verb | to phrases
компенсировать vstresses
gen. make it worth smb.'s while (кому-л., что-л.); make up (что-л.); make up for (sth.); make amends; make; recoup; make compensation for something; countervail; offset; redress; remunerate; atone; piece out; recompence; make amends to for (что-либо, кому-либо); make good (потерю); incorporate (the lack of something Merc); recompense (compensate (someone) for loss or harm. COED. I received $1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings. Substantial damages were paid in recompense. OALD Alexander Demidov); indemnify (~ sb (for something) to pay sb an amount of money because of the damage or loss that they have suffered • The tenant is legally required to indemnify the landlord for any damage caused to the property. OALD. EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS > Due to the onerous nature of this work it is important that any engagement letter fully indemnifies the Firm. > Heads of departments and institutions are indemnified by the University in respect of any claims made against them under civil law in connection with safety duties. > It is further acknowledged that each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings. > The Company has taken out insurance to indemnify its Directors and Officers against liability when acting for the Group. > They guaranteed to indemnify him against any financial loss. LDCE Alexander Demidov); make up for something (Lanita2); make up for (sth.: Well, we try to make up for what's lacking in the school curriculum. We try to take them to concerts and to galleries. В.И.Макаров); commute; counterpoise; give (чем-либо); satisfy (убытки); cover for (e.g. We will mobilize more resources during March-November period of the year to cover for winter period productivity loss YGA); counter (greenadine); compensate; overcome (Markbusiness); eke out (недостаток чего-либо, напр.: Moreover, the titles needed to offer locational descriptions to eke out the lack of visual clues. • Также переводится по контексту, напр.: The old man eked out his pension by selling vegetables from his garden. – Чтобы прожить на [скудную] пенсию, старику приходилось продавать овощи со своей грядки. 4uzhoj); compensate for ... with ... (что-либо) (чем-либо; The West needs a political, not military, solution to Russia’s decision to compensate for weakness with nuclear swagger – TIMES UK 17); make it worth while (кому-л., что-л. honeysickle)
amer. make up for (make up for the shartfall Val_Ships)
automat. take up (износ)
avia. balance (ся)
bank. atone for; make good
brit. recuperate (The company is expected to recuperate [=recoup, recover] its losses in the next two months. VLZ_58)
busin. equal; set off; make up
cinema recoup (The project will be recouped by showing ads every hour); replenish (обрабатывающий раствор)
dipl. make compensation for (что-либо)
econ. compensate for; make up (напр., нехватку); effect reimbursement; indemnify for; pay compensation; offset by (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
fin. repay (сумму Alexander Matytsin); compensate... for export shortfall fall; claw back (налогами суммы, израсходованные на государственные пособия, пенсии, субсидии ssn)
forestr. take up (неровности)
Gruzovik, insur. compensate for
Gruzovik, tech. equilibrate (impf and pf)
humor. plaster
idiom. make amends for (боль, ущерб, убытки, неудобства и т. п.: I wanted to make amends for the worry I've caused you. • Should my employer make amends for my lost overtime? • Officials thanked the offending man for his apology and revealed that he has offered to make amends for the damaged he has caused. В.И.Макаров)
law repair (Право международной торговли On-Line); reimburse; refund; right; make compensation; make whole (To provide (someone), especially under the terms of a legal judgment or an agreement, with financial compensation for lost money or other lost assets. 'More)
Makarov. accommodate; annul; give back; recover; redeem; right (убытки); right (что-либо); compensate for (убытки); balance against; balance by; balance with; indemnify for (убытки); make amends to (someone); за что-либо; кому-либо); make amends to someone for something (кому-либо; что-либо); make good (за потерю); recoup for; take up; restore
math. counterbalance; make up (for); compensate (to make the needed corrections to compensate for the inevitable errors); break up (ssn)
mech.eng., obs. make-up
med.appl. alleviate (напр., потерю слуха Katejkin)
media. buck; cancel (напр., паразитный сигнал); combat
metrol. balance out
mil., avia. normalize
obs. satisfy
patents. absorb (погрешность; японская патентная заявка icecold)
polym. deal with (The high anisotropy is dealt with by laminating plies, with different fiber directions, together into laminates, creating stiffness and strength in directions desired for structural design. (об углепластике) Post Scriptum)
slang make up (растраченные силы)
tech. balance; cancel; equalize; replenish; trim out; neutralize; cancel out; buck (о полярности); keep up with (напр., повышение чего-либо Мирослав9999)
компенсироваться v
gen. be offset (the severity of Russian laws is offset by their poor enforcement Olga Okuneva); indemnify (for)
chem. compensate
el. be traded off (ssn)
math. be balanced out by; be compensated for; be made up; be offset by
tech. make up; balance; equalize; equilibrate
uncom., context. play second fiddle to (чем-либо: The slightly underwhelming looks play second fiddle to the functionality. recombu.com 4uzhoj)
компенсировавший prtc.
SAP. compensated
компенсирующийся prtc.
math. compensating
: 245 phrases in 42 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Automated equipment2
Energy industry1
Explanatory translation1
Mass media5
Mechanic engineering1
Occupational health & safety1
Oil and gas1
Quality control and standards1
Rail transport1
Textile industry1
Thermal engineering1