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gen. pick (with в + prepl., one’s teeth, nose, etc.); poke; finick (в тарелке); pick at (kann_sein); pick; scour (SAKHstasia); dig up (earth, soil, etc.)
Gruzovik, inf. potter; toy with; tinker up; dig into; pick at
inf., jarg. perform an abortion
Makarov. pick at (еду вилкой – неохотно)
ковыряться v
ковыряться в носу; копаться; рыться; возиться
gen. poke about (in); go digging around (NumiTorum); rummage through (Tanya Gesse); poke around (напр., в носу, в земле и т. д.: Poking around inside our nostrils is disgusting, unhygienic and potentially harmful. • I don't really have that much time to go poking around in my garden. 4uzhoj); tinker (make unskilled or experimental efforts at repair; fiddle: I tinkered with the engine, hoping to discover the trouble • This car is a runner but has been sitting a while and will need a little tinkering to get started 4uzhoj); pick holes in (george serebryakov); pick (в носу (pick one's nose), в тарелке (pick at one's plate) и т.п. 4uzhoj); fumble (he fumbled with the lock Olya34)
disappr. snail (делать что-либо очень медленно igisheva)
Gruzovik, inf. rummage in
Gruzovik, rude masturbate of woman
inf. putter (with в + prepl., in); meddle with (с Andrey Truhachev); fiddle with (Who's been fiddling with my papers? – Кто рылся в моих бумагах? Andrey Truhachev); potter around (Andrey Truhachev); slave away at something (с чем-либо Andrey Truhachev); slave away at something (с чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. mess about; mess around
sarcast. work around ('He stuck his little finger in his ear and worked it around and brought it out with a little dark wax on it. He wiped it off casually on his coat.' (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
 Russian thesaurus
ковыряться v
gen. ковыряться в носу; копаться; рыться
: 52 phrases in 5 subjects