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кич nstresses
gen. glare (Aly19)
Игорь Миг bad taste
adv. kitch
amer. posh (Agasphere)
cinema kitsch
jewl. dop (в гранильном деле ABelonogov)
кича n
amer. slammer (slang Val_Ships)
crim.jarg. prison (cnlweb)
кичиться v
gen. put on airs; boast; presume on; presume upon; brag; puff; quack; make a parade of (чем-либо); be puffed up; be vain of (чем-либо); quacksalver; plume oneself upon (чем-либо); swagger (Anglophile); make undue parade (of something Vitalique); glories in something (чем-либо Sunny_Hell); inflate; pique (чем-либо); lord it over (to act in a way that shows one thinks one is better or more important than (someone) : She knows she's very smart and lords it over her younger brothers; He got the only A in the class and was lording it over his classmates. Bullfinch); flaunt (yalkau); be vain of something (чем-либо); magnify one's self; stand upon one's pantofles; pride one's self in (чем-л.); pride one's self upon (чем-л.); stand upon; sing one’s own praises; brag about (with instr.); trumpet
Gruzovik be proud of; plume oneself on; strut; be puffed up with pride
Игорь Миг act like a bigshot
disappr. pride oneself (on Anglophile)
Makarov. display; be on an ego trip; make a parade of something (чем-либо); plume on; plume oneself for something (чем-либо); plume oneself on something (чем-либо); puff up; value oneself for something (чем-либо); value oneself on something (чем-либо); value oneself upon something (чем-либо)
obs. magnify; pique oneself on (VLZ_58)
slang puffed up (Interex)
uncom. pique oneself upon
кичащийся prtc.
slang on a plate
 Russian thesaurus
кича n
pris.sl. карцер (MichaelBurov); штрафной изолятор (MichaelBurov); ШИЗО (MichaelBurov)
: 24 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Military lingo2