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proverb you can never have too much of a good thing (igisheva); you cannot have too much of a good thing (igisheva); never too much of a good thing; plenty is no plague; too much butter won't spoil the porridge; too much butter makes the porridge better; store is no sore; you cannot be too rich or too thin (igisheva)
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idiom. never too much of good thing
proverb you can never have too much of a good thing (igisheva); you cannot have too much of a good thing (igisheva); plenty is no plague; never too much of a good thing (дословно: Хорошее никогда не лишне); plenty is no plague (дословно: Изобилие-не беда); never too much of a good thing; too much butter won't spoil the porridge; too much butter makes the porridge better; you cannot be too rich or too thin (igisheva)
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