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карцер nstresses
gen. dungeon; lockup; black hole; icebox; security housing (Andy); disciplinary cell (RomanDM); solitary confinement cell (in prison Val_Ships); seclusion room (Lavrov); solitary confinement ("Solitary confinement is colloquially referred to in American English as "the hotbox", "the hole", "lockdown", "punk city", "SCU" (Solitary Confinement Unit), "AdSeg" (Administrative Segregation), the "SHU" (pronounced "shoe") – an acronym for "special housing unit" or "security housing unit", or "the pound"; in British English as "the block" or "the cooler"; and in Canada it is known as the Special Handling Unit" eviv); blockhouse (Desperado777); segregation cell, seg cell, SHU cell, the hole (jodrey); quod; prison cell usu. dark and cold used for special punishment
amer. hot box (в техасских и аризонских тюрьмах Freeway); coller (Yeldar Azanbayev)
austral. digger (в тюрьме)
austral., slang black Peter
inf. cooler (They threw him in the cooler vogeler)
law isolation ward; sweat box; punishment cell (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Makarov. hole
mil. disciplinary segregation
mil., lingo cooler (MichaelBurov)
nautic. hold spaces (openmindead)
nautic., Makarov. cell
obs. peter
slang sweatbox; lock up; lock-up
USA prison within a prison (Yeldar Azanbayev); administrative segregation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
карцеры n
slang iso
 Russian thesaurus
карцер n
gen. специальное помещение для нарушителей установленного порядка в тюрьмах, армии и учебных заведениях. Для заключенных в карцер устанавливался особо строгий режим. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 17 phrases in 8 subjects
Criminal law1
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated1