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gen. hibiscus tea (Каркаде́ или каркадэ́ (от араб. كركديه‎ [kæɾkæˈdeː]) – травяной чайный напиток ярко-красного или бордового цвета и сладковато-кислый на вкус, изготавливаемый из сушёных прицветников цветков розеллы, или суданской розы (лат. Hibiscus sabdariffa) из рода Гибискус. WK.Hibiscus tea is a herbal tea made as an infusion from crimson or deep magenta-coloured calyces (sepals) of the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) flower. It is consumed both hot and cold. The drink is sometimes called roselle (a name for the flower) or rosella (Australia); sorrel in Jamaica, Belize, Barbados, Guyana, Dominica, and Trinidad and Tobago; red sorrel in the wider Caribbean; and Agua/Rosa de Jamaica or simply Jamaica in the United States, México, and Central America. It is also known as "Zobo" or Bissap in African countries like Nigeria. WK Alexander Demidov); hibiscus tea (sai_Alex)
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