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gen. never move a muscle (ekata); take in stride (ridge69); not to bat an eye; not to bat an eyelid; not turn a hair ([…] they all went into a shop that Jennifer alone would never have dreamed of entering, and looked at watches; finally Jane bought a gold self-winding wrist-watch for her husband for ninety-two guineas, and never turned a hair. • When the loud fireworks were going off outside, he didn't turn a hair. Kornilova A.); not bat an eyelash (The reporter didn't bat an eyelash while reading the gruesome news. 4uzhoj); not lose one's cool (в контексте) 4uzhoj); seem unfazed (I felt angry… and hurt. When I confronted Olena with all of this, she seemed unfazed. -- она и бровью не повела dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг play it cool (Стальные нервы. Во время выступления одного из участников приёма в Кремле в тишине неожиданно раздался грохот из-за упавшего подноса с бокалами. Путин, слушавший в это время докладчика, даже бровью не повёл ...17)
idiom. not bat an eyelid (She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid. 4uzhoj); not bat an eye (Mom didn't bat an eye when I told her I was getting married. • She can give a formal dinner for thirty without batting an eye. 4uzhoj); without batting an eye (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Makarov. without batting an eyelid
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gen. not to bat an eye; did not miss a beat (raf); without the flicker of an eyelash; without a wink of the eyelid; without wincing; without batting an eyelid; without the flicker of an eyebrow (chajnik); not to turn a hair
proverb not to bat an eye, without batting an eyelid; not to bat an eyelid
и бровью не повёл not to turn a hair
proverb, disappr. past
и бровью не повел
gen. without batting an eyelid
и бровью не повести
: 13 phrases in 4 subjects