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gen. bomber-fighter
avia. airland fighter; dual-role fighter; strike aircraft; swing fighter
avia., mil. fighter bomber
Gruzovik, mil. FBS (fighter-bomber-strike)
mil. blitz-fighter; fighter-bomber aircraft; VBF; VFB (ВМС); ground attack aircraft; fighter-bomber
mil., avia. fighter/attack (aircraft); ground attack fighter; strike fighter (Strike fighters are dual-role tactical aircraft that are capable of both air-to-ground (strike) and air-to-air (fighter) combat operations (самолеты по типу F-15, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-35 Lightning II, Су-30МКК и Су-34): The missile may also be readied for use from the Su-34 long-range strike fighter, used heavily in Russia’s operation in Ukraine, and the Tu-22M3 strategic bomber, according to a Congressional Research Service report (The Wall Street Journal). An infantry battalion based in Italy, as well as F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets and Apache attack helicopters, will be moving to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and be in place later this week to defend the NATO alliance, the Biden administration said (whitehouse.gov) fas.org Razor47072)
tech. strike fighter
 Russian thesaurus
gen. реактивный сверхзвуковой боевой самолёт фронтовой тактической авиации, сочетает качества истребителя и бомбардировщика; мощное вооружение. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
истребитель -бомбардировщик: 53 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Military aviation4