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истерик nstresses
inf. person often going into fits of hysteria
истерика n
gen. hysterics; dramatics (she goes in for dramatics – она закатывает истерики); nerve storm; hysteric; temper tantrum (SirReal); fit ("истерика" добавлять не обязательно:: to throw a fit – закатить истерику Рина Грант); hysterical outburst (Russia's new ambassador to the United States was quoted as saying Moscow would respond without "hysterical outbursts vlad-and-slav); tantrum (обыкн. у ребёнка;  to throw a tantrum  -  закатывать истерику;  to fly into a tantrum  – впадать в истерику Taras); tirrivee (Ma Sha); garment-rending (Beforeyouaccuseme); freakout (КГА); histrionics (FurryFury)
Gruzovik hysterical fit
amer. conniption; meltdown (chiefly US, somewhat informal : a very fast loss of emotional self-control After a long day at the beach, our toddler had a major meltdown in the car on the way home. VLZ_58); hissy fit (необоснованная, беспричинная истерика взрослого человека // a sudden period of uncontrolled and silly anger like a child's:: Sue threw a hissy fit when she found out. Бурбоша)
austral., slang wobbly (в составе фразы throw a wobbly)
inf. tantrum (Aprilen); acting out (We had to work from behind, finding a lawyer, trying to build a case, and fighting to get her out of a detention facility where she was rapidly descending into full-blown psychosis (which was taken as “acting out” and punished). 4uzhoj); hissy ('More)
inf., amer. conniption fit
Makarov. fit of hysterics; hysteria
med. nervous crisis (I. Havkin); nerve crisis (I. Havkin)
media. hyperventilation (Beforeyouaccuseme)
nautic. gale
slang foot (Interex)
истерик n
gen. hysteric
Игорь Миг druggie kid (о ребёнке)
amer. snapping turtle (Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. hysteriac; hysterical person
inf. hysteric man; wimpy (Сергій Саржевський)
: 118 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling3
Mental health1