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verb | verb | to phrases
испугавшийся prtc.stresses
gen. frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо)
slang frozen
испугаться v
gen. be afraid; boggle; shy; lose courage; have the wind-up; be in a funk; be scared by (чего-либо); get a fright; get a scare; have a fright; startle (Aly19); quail; get a wind-up; have a wind-up; get a shock (linton); have a shock (linton); lose one's bottle (КГА); take fright (The event was peaceful; the Kremlin evidently took fright after police inflamed opposition anger when they broke up an earlier protest the day after the vote. TG Alexander Demidov); your skin crawls (Taras); get scared; alarm; cringe away (испуганно дёрнуться; отодвинуться Capital); be cowed; be in a funk; be scared by something (чего-либо); become afraid; get spooked (о животном: A Vancouver man says he has his beloved cat back after selling his couch, not realizing that Marley was hiding inside. Matt Lumabi told CTV News that he has moved a few times recently, and Marley can get spooked when she sees boxes or furniture being moved around. -- может испугаться (castanet.net) ART Vancouver); take alarm; take fear; be frightened (of); be scared (of); be startled (to be frightened or surprised suddenly (Merriam-Webster): Ricardo was startled and tried to swerve and ride away, but apparently his motorcycle would not obey him, instead being drawn towards the mysterious stranger. – испугался и попытался развернуться и уехать (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver); be frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); be scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо); frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо); become spooked (также *be spooked*: especially of an animal: take fright suddenly. (Oxford Dictionary): For instance, in 1973, a rancher reported that as he moved his cows to pasture, they suddenly became spooked and refused to move. It was strange since they had never acted this way before. (mysteriousuniverse.org) • "Poor horses. Clearly very unhappy and scared. I hope they were able to treat the horses too, glad the rider is okay, I guess the horses were spooked." "I've read they were spooked by builders moving concrete, I'm guessing dropping concrete down one of the tubes/chute they use would be noisy." youtube.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik be frightened of (pf of пугаться); be scared of (pf of пугаться); take fright (pf of пугаться)
Игорь Миг get skittish
amer., inf. scare
avunc. be scared shitless (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. get the wind up; get cold feet (в последнюю минуту)
inf. puss out (chronik); get the jitters (Andrey Truhachev); get the willies (Val_Ships); get the breeze up (Bobrovska); have the breeze up (Bobrovska); bottle it (Miyer); lose one's nerve (I wanted to ski down the expert slope but then I lost my nerve. JIZM)
inf., explan. freak out (VLZ_58)
Makarov. be cowed; be frightened; become frightened; feel dismay; get frightened; get the windup; have one's heart in one's mouth; take fight; take fright
slang crap out; panic; punk out; turn turtle; have cold feet; tuck tail (mazurov)
vulg. get the crap on; shit a brick; shit bricks; shit in one's own pants
испугать v
gen. startle; give a start; frighten; cause fright; make afraid; dismay; panic; scare; give a fright; make hair stand (кого-либо); scare (кого-либо); buffalo; weaken (Notburga); give one a start (Interex); gliff; gloppen; frighten into; give a fright; make someone's flesh crawl (Taras); make someone's skin crawl (Taras); make someone's skin creep (тж. см. your skin crawls Taras); chill; jump; scarify; give the shivers (cognachennessy); give someone a start (кого-либо КГА); send a chill down the back of someone (кого-либо Юрий Павленко); startle (внезапным появлением, звуком и т.п., (examples provided by ART Vancouver): The phone rang and it startled me. • Tell Grandma we have a contractor working on the kitchen cabinets tomorrow. Just so it does not startle her.); send a chill through (someone); An uncomfortable and numbing sense of fear, dread, anxiety, or alarm, often one that is sudden and usually accompanied by a trembling nerve response resembling the body's response to biting cold The actor's eerie portrayal sent chills through the audience). Olga Fomicheva); give a hop (неожиданно, когда человек подскакивает: It's usually just me here, so you gave me a little hop Taras); give somebody a start (кого-либо)
Gruzovik frighten; intimidate (pf of пугать)
Игорь Миг cause consternation
amer. throw a scare
arch. start
idiom. make someone's hair curl (z484z); curl hair (z484z); give somebody kittens (Irboya)
inf. put about; rattle; give someone a scare (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. make someone's hair stand (кого-либо); make someone's hair stand on end (кого-либо); give someone a scare (кого-либо); give someone a start (кого-либо); make someone's blood run cold (кого-либо); make someone's flesh creep (кого-либо); put the wind up (кого-либо); send a chill through (someone)
obs. doubt; dubitancy
poetic fright
slang put the wind up (кого-либо); spook (Interex)
vulg. put the shits up (someone – кого-либо); shit somebody up (кого-либо)
испугаться чего-либо v
Gruzovik take alarm at
idiom. one's hair stands on end (Taras)
: 112 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Modern use1
Obsolete / dated1