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verb | verb | to phrases
искупаться vstresses
gen. have a bathe; have a swim; give a bath; swim; bath; have a dip (kee46); take a swim (Lynn was staying at her grandparents' ranch in Wyoming. She was picking wildflowers, then went down to a small lake to take a summer swim. Her grandparents could see her from the house. She just disappeared. They found a pile of her clothes under a tree. They searched the area, nothing. She wasn't in the lake. Never found her again. (David Paulides) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik atone for (impf of искупиться)
Gruzovik, inf. bathe intrans; take a bath
inf. take a dip (Alexander Oshis)
Makarov. go for a bathe; go for a swim; have a bath; take a bath
искупать v
gen. atone for; purge (вину); ransom; assoil (грехи); give a duck (кого-либо); condone; purify (вину); circumfuse; atone (грех, вину); bathe; redeem (грехи и т. п.); expiate; make up for; make amends for
Gruzovik make up for; compensate for (impf of искупить); replace by (impf of искупить); substitute for (impf of искупить)
book. expiate (вину)
fig. whitewash (что-либо)
Gruzovik, inf. give a bath; bathe
Gruzovik, relig. redeem (impf of искупить)
inf. bath; take a bath
law atone (вину)
Makarov. stone for (вину); wash away (вину)
obs. buy (чьи-либо грехи)
psychol. redeem (грехи)
rel., christ. assail
relig. buy; satisfy (грех, вину); redeem (людские грехи)
: 33 phrases in 6 subjects