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инфекционные болезниstresses
med. infectious diseases; communicable diseases
pulp.n.paper parasitical diseases (древесины)
инфекционная болезнь
gen. contagion; infections disease
agric. infectious disease; vector borne disease
ecol. infection disease
med. catching disease; communicable disease; germ disease; contagious disease; infective disease; virulent disease; infection; zymosis; infectious disease (in medicine, a process caused by a microorganism that impairs a person's health. An infection, by contrast, is the invasion of and replication in the body by any of various microbial agents–including bacteria, viruses (virus), fungi (fungus), protozoans (protozoan), and worms (worm)–as well as the reaction of tissues to their presence or to the toxins that they produce. When health is not altered, the process is termed a subclinical infection. Thus, a person may be infected but not have an infectious disease. This principle is illustrated by the use of vaccines (vaccine) for the prevention of infectious diseases. For example, a virus such as that which causes measles may be attenuated (weakened) and used as an immunizing agent. The immunization is designed to produce a measles infection in the recipient but generally causes no discernible alteration in the state of health. It produces immunity to measles without producing a clinical illness (an infectious disease). Britannica Alexander Demidov)
инфекционные болезни древесины
pulp.n.paper parasitical diseases (древесины)
 Russian thesaurus
инфекционные болезни
gen. 1) заболевания, вызываемые болезнетворными микроорганизмами, которые передаются от заражённого человека или животного здоровому. Каждая инфекционная болезнь вызывается особым возбудителем

2) Раздел клинической медицины, изучающий причины, механизмы развития, методы распознавания, лечения и профилактики инфекционных болезней. Большой Энциклопедический словарь

инфекционные болезни
: 63 phrases in 11 subjects
Health care1
Veterinary medicine1