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gen. dare; have the conscience (to do something); have the face (to do something); have the nerve (to do something); say the face (to do something); have the front (to do something Anglophile); have a nerve (to do something Damirules); have the audacity (to do something: He had the audacity to ask me for more money! Рина Грант); have the gall (to do something: Only municipal politicians would have the gall to vote themselves a 25 per cent pay increase two weeks before an election. denton); have the impertinence to do something (Andrey Truhachev)
Игорь Миг get up the nerve to; have a cheek
disappr. have the gall (+ infinitive: Amazing that they have the gall to say this is about healing. It’s about money and the Squamish band is already the richest band in BC as it leases out Park Royal in West Vancouver and other valuable land. -- имеют наглость заявлять / утверждать vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
иметь наглость
: 29 phrases in 4 subjects
British usage, not spelling1