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comp., MS named pipe (A portion of memory that can be used by one process to pass information to another process, so that the output of one is the input of the other. The second process can be local (on the same computer as the first) or remote (on a networked computer)); named stream (Binary data that is associated with an entry in an Open Data Protocol (OData) feed, but that is not a media resource as defined by the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub))
IT named pipe
media. named pipe (механизм взаимодействия между процессами, позволяющий одному процессу пересылать данные другому местному или удалённому процессу)
именованные каналы
IT named pipes (в сети)
progr. named pipes (ssn)
именованный канал
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology2