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gen. mouthbreather (иногда раздельно: mouth breather; иногда через дефис: mouth-breather: every single word that mouthbreather is allowed to publish is completely destroying the image of the newsletter vogeler)
amer. dumb skull (an imbecile, a fool, an idiot (derogatory Taras)
invect. fuckwit ("A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions." – urbandictionary.com Vadim Rouminsky)
med. imbecile
slang sissy (MichaelBurov); doormat (MichaelBurov); wimp (MichaelBurov); dead-head (MichaelBurov); milk-toast (MichaelBurov); dawdler (MichaelBurov); ditherer (MichaelBurov); milk toast (MichaelBurov); drizzle (амер. MichaelBurov); gruel (MichaelBurov); gook (MichaelBurov); jellyfish (MichaelBurov); namby-pamby (MichaelBurov); flummery (MichaelBurov); sap (MichaelBurov); dishrag (MichaelBurov); nuts (MichaelBurov); knobnot (MichaelBurov); bananahead (MichaelBurov); sniveller (MichaelBurov); drip (MichaelBurov); pansy (MichaelBurov); drizzle puss (MichaelBurov); glamor puss (MichaelBurov); pickle-puss (MichaelBurov); puss (MichaelBurov); sour-puss (MichaelBurov); sklonk (MichaelBurov); spoops (MichaelBurov); spoopsy (MichaelBurov); droptop (MichaelBurov); bananas (MichaelBurov); bonehead (VLZ_58)
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