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изо все силstresses
gen. flat out
изо всех сил
gen. with all ones might; amain; full tilt; horse and foot; like grim death; tooth and nail (to fight tooth and nail – бороться не на жизнь, а на смерть; to go at it tooth and nail – энергично браться за что-либо); all out; full-blast; full-pelt; for all one is worth; like the devil; with a mighty heave; hammer and tongs; at full fling; over the top (nicknicky777); with a vengeance (Anglophile); billy oh; flat out; galley west; all-out; at full tilt; like blazes; hand and food ([email protected]); like hell; with the whole strength (Andrey Truhachev); with all his might (Andrey Truhachev); for dear life; with all one's strength; at the top of one's lungs (о крике: She shouted his name at the top of her lungs, but there was no answer.); with might and main; firmly (MichaelBurov); vigorously (Sweeterbit); with all one’s might
Игорь Миг aggressively
amer., slang galley-west
emph., inf. billy
fig. frantically ('We ran frantically down the path, which wound among the trees.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
gram. as hard as ... could ("I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming, and that was what I think snapped me out of it, those teeth. The weight that had been holding me down was lifted and I shoved that sucker as hard as I could." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
idiom. for all one is worth (4uzhoj)
inf. like anything; like mad; full out; flat-out; at the top of one's voice (орать Andrey Truhachev); hand and foot (Therian)
Makarov. by main force; by main strength; for all it is worth; one's head off; with all one's force
obs. beat the cats, to (inn)
proverb as fast as one's legs can carry one (бежать, мчаться, пр.); for dear life (трудиться, стараться, пр.); for all one is worth (трудиться, стараться, пр.); with might and main (трудиться, стараться, пр.)
rhetor. full-force (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang like old boots; bust a cut
разг. изо всех сил
gen. like anything; like mad
изо все сил
: 201 phrase in 10 subjects