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известный уровень техникиstresses
gen. known state of the art (the technological feasibility of manufacturing a product whose design would have prevented or avoided the accident, given the known state of the art. ... a justifiable monopoly for a computer-implemented innovation relative to the known state of the art at the priority date. From the known state of the art it could not be concluded that an increase of the partial pressure of oxygen in them preliminary gas treatment would have such ...- АД Alexander Demidov); state of the art (в патентном праве)
adv. prior art (на определённый предшествующий период)
patents. available prior art; common knowledge; general knowledge; prior art; public knowledge; background of invention (I. Havkin); background of the invention (I. Havkin); prior art (любая информация на дату подачи заявки об известных технических решениях в данной области); conventional art (Svetozar)
известный уровень техники
: 21 phrases in 4 subjects