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игра не стоит свечstresses
gen. it isn't worth while; game isn't worth the candle (Interex); the game isn't worth the candle; it's not worth the effort (Dude67); it's not worth it (Dude67); not worth the trouble; the game is not worth the candle; it will not quit costs; it does not pay
Игорь Миг cost prohibitive
fig. it's not worth the trouble
idiom. cake is not worth the candle (shergilov); it is not worth the trouble (Andrey Truhachev); it is not worth the risk (помета "фразеологизм" относится к русскому выражению) См. пример в статье "рисковать не смысла". I. Havkin); the risk is not worth the award (VLZ_58)
Makarov. game is not worth the candle; not worth powder and shot
игра не стоит свеч
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