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игнорировать vstresses
gen. give the go-by; bypass (You cannot bypass these rules! – Ты не можешь игнорировать эти правила! Taras); not to care a pin (что-либо айгуля караганда); brush off (проблему, человека: I asked him for some help, but he just brushed me off vogeler); take no notice (намеренно: 'Surely it would be better to take no notice.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Лучше проигнорировать • не обращать внимания. ART Vancouver); give the go by; close one's ears to (smth., что-л.); cold shoulder; give sb. the go-by; give sth. the go-by; balk; disregard; defy; cut (cut somebody dead – совершенно игнорировать кого-либо); eliminate; put on one side; shrug something off; high-hat (кого-либо); ice out; overjump; brush aside; contemn (закон, опасность); elide; snap finger at (кого-либо, что-либо); overleap; leave severely alone (в знак неодобрения); slight over (что-либо); skate over (Anglophile); skate around (Anglophile); marginalize (ABelonogov); ride roughshod over (bbc.co.uk); give silent treatment (Franka_LV); shine somebody on (to ignore a person or situation КГА); high hat; highhat; blink (факт); sink; cut dead (кого-либо); give the back (кого-либо); snap fingers at; turn a deaf ear to (sb., sth.); baulk (Dim); Aside (Min$draV); shrug off (adroit); turn a blind eye to (Andrey Truhachev); slight (что-либо); waive (MichaelBurov); put by; shut one's ears to something; shut one's mind to (Interex); flush (кого-либо); shun (Kate1411); blow off (somebody/something: Bud got into trouble for blowing off the meeting vogeler); throw something out the window (answers.com trtrtr); give short shrift to (Ремедиос_П); middle-finger (кого-либо Taras); not to care a pin (что-либо); dismiss (VLZ_58); be oblivious to (что-либо A.Rezvov); remain blind to something (что-либо Wif); diss (VLZ_58); thumb nose at (azalan); foil (But Putin, ever the feisty debater, didn't leave it there, taking a swipe at the U.S. election system. "Do you think the U.S. elections are democratic?" he asked, noting that twice in American history the will of the majority has been foiled. "We never criticized, so why are you meddling in our affairs?" ||| CNN, США (2016) – Мастер публичной полемики, он не удержался, чтобы не развить тему: "А что, вы считаете, что там демократические выборы президента, что ли?– спросил он, добавив, что как минимум дважды в истории США воля большинства была проигнорирована. – Ну тогда не лезьте к нам. Что вы лезете-то?" Butterfly812)
Gruzovik ignore (impf and pf)
Игорь Миг leave unaddressed; shrink from; not to bat an eye; give the cold shoulder to (Do you see how she gives me the cold shoulders?); give a miss; be heedless of the fact that; be dismissive of; let something slide; sidestep; sideline; leave out; leave out of the loop; keep out of the loop
amer. tune out (ignore someone or something: He tunes me out every time I ask him about the money that he owes me. Interex); cool on (слэнг янис из табакерки); flout (flouting the rules Val_Ships); tune out (кого-либо; ignore someone or something: He tunes me out every time I ask him about the money that he owes me. Val_Ships); dingy (заимствовано из шотландского вокабуляра Val_Ships); walk on by (someone – кого-либо или не замечать; in a figurative sense, it means to ignore someone Val_Ships)
amer., slang cool (кого-либо, что-либо)
book. contemn (закон, опасность и т.п.)
book., arch. dissemble
busin. discount; neglect; overlook
comp. override; skip
comp., MS ignore (To mark an e-mail conversation so that all current and future messages in the conversation are automatically moved to the Deleted Items folder)
econ. skip over (A.Rezvov)
el. ignore (напр. ошибку)
idiom. turn a deaf ear (Yeldar Azanbayev); close one's eyes (To ignore. Interex); turn a blind eye (Taras); look the other way (в знач. закрывать глаза на; сознательно Баян); give someone the silent treatment (the act of ignoring someone because you are angry at him or her VLZ_58)
inet. mute (цепочки писем – goo.gl Artjaazz)
inf. blow off (someone/something q3mi4); hold out on (somebody VLZ_58); flusher; give someone the cold shoulder (кого-либо TarasZ); shut out (sunshine_russia); flush; give shoulder (урезанная форма фразы: give the cold shoulder vogeler); give the shoulder (урезанная форма фразы: give the cold shoulder vogeler); pay no mind (VLZ_58); see past (VLZ_58)
IT override (предварительно оговоренные условия); drop
Makarov. give someone the back (кого-либо); set aside; put to one side; brush away; cut dead; leave someone severely alone (в знак неодобрения или презрения; кого-либо); let severely alone (в знак неодобрения); make someone look small (кого-либо); miss out; shut one's ears to something; skate; snap one's finger at (someone – кого-либо); snap one's finger at someone, at something (кого-либо, что-либо); snap one's fingers at someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); toss aside; turn out in the cold (кого-либо)
patents. omit
phys. ignore
slang not to give somebody the time of day; blow off (VLZ_58); stage; brush off brush-off; chill; flash; give someone or something the go-by; igg; kiss off; put the chill freeze on (someone); scrub; up-stage; upstage; ice; put the freeze on (Interex); drop out (Buddy89); give someone the brushoff (кого-либо Interex); give someone the go-by (кого-либо Interex); big league (They totally big leagued us at the event. joyand); shine someone on (кого-либо; To ignore someone or continuously not follow through with an engagement. "Where were you last Friday? You never called me back. I hate it when you shine me on like that." VLZ_58)
soc.med. bluetick (Beforeyouaccuseme)
softw. mute (Android, о сообщении и подобном, goo.gl visitor)
vulg. fuck somebody about (кого-либо)
игнорироваться v
gen. get ignored (компании AdaCore, North American Office Alex_Odeychuk); disregard; ignore; fall on deaf ears (о просьбах, мольбах и т.п. 4uzhoj)
math. be disregarded; be neglected; be ignored
игнорируется v
O&G is bypassed
: 248 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cultural studies1
Energy industry2
Foreign policy1
Information technology6
Mass media15
Quotes and aphorisms5
Security systems3