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золотая серединаstresses
gen. happy medium; the golden mean; the happy mean; sweet spot; happy middle ground (artery); balance (to strike a balance Sakhalin Energy); middle ground (Дмитрий_Р); the mean (eugenealper); mean ("It must be confessed that in this, as in most other cases, there is a mean, on both sides of which inconveniences will be found to lie." James Madison, Federalist 10. eugenealper); golden path (Инесса Шляк); sweet spot in the middle ("Not pleasing others enough amounts to surliness, pleasing too much makes one obsequious–you have to be friendly, but not too friendly. The sweet spot in the middle is where you want to be." george serebryakov); a golden mean
fr. juste milieu
lat. aurea mediocritas (acrogamnon)
lit. good sense (из книги Акутагавы "слова пигмея" Krutov Andrew)
Makarov. happy mean; the happy medium; the middle way
math. golden mean
proverb the golden mean (only sing.); safety lies in the middle course
золотой середины
fig. Goldilocks (He promises us a return to the Goldilocks economy–not too much deflation, not too much inflation. stackexchange.com Shabe)
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: 29 phrases in 5 subjects