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gen. make a lot of progress (в лечении, расследовании:: A southern Nevada man who's been trying to solve multiple mysteries surrounding his own identity says he's made a lot of progress in the eight years since his quest began. (...) The real Paul Fronczak had been kidnapped from a Chicago hospital in 1964, one day after his birth, snatched by a mystery woman dressed as a nurse. The crime prompted an intense nationwide search and generated worldwide headlines, but the crime was never solved. mysterywire.com ART Vancouver)
busin. make good progress (в разработке или изучении чего-либо Krystin)
formal make significant strides (in – в: We have made significant strides in our ability to serve our clients since then. • Manufacturers have made significant strides in utilizing this technology. ART Vancouver)
idiom. come a long way (to make a great amount of progress (Merriam-Webster): Medicine has come a long way in recent years. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
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: 7 phrases in 2 subjects