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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. cycle; be hung up (на чём-либо – about something Anglophile); get stuck (on something – на чём-либо Anglophile); have a hang-up (на чём-либо – about something Anglophile); be in a rut (At forty my life was in a rut, so I gave up work and travelled to India. It's clear the economy is still stuck in a rut. igorkiev); fixate (often be fixated on) cause to be obsessively interested in something or someone. NOED. With the US preoccupied by wars in the Middle East and South Asia and fixated by the Arab spring, a quiet Russian "front" has been deemed essential by Washington. TG Alexander Demidov)
amer. obsess (obsess about/over Aly19)
inf. get caught up in (на; о человеке Баян); be onto something (mail.ru owant); glom (на; onto Alex Lilo); get stuck in a loop (VLZ_58)
progr. loop forever (ssn)
slang fall for (на ком-то)
зацикленный prtc.
gen. fixated (for many years he remained "fixated" on his old school – в течение многих лет он оставался зацикленным на годах, проведённых в школе); fixated on (bookworm); bent on (на чём-то (на какой-то идее): He was bent on getting married as soon as possible vogeler)
amer. dead set (He is dead set to become a teacher. Val_Ships)
context. looped (ВосьМой)
O&G, sakh. too focused on (Sakhalin Energy); obsessed with (Sakhalin Energy); obsessing about (Sakhalin Energy); fixated about (Sakhalin Energy); hung up on (Sakhalin Energy)
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Игорь Миг get on a loop; put on a loop
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gen. One-track mind (He’s always looking at her whenever she’s around. A real one-track mind, he is. APN)
: 33 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1