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gen. brood (Wagriensis); be hung up (Anglophile); get stuck (на чём-либо – on something Anglophile); have a hang-up (на чём-либо – about something Anglophile); be fixated (on something pfedorov); belabor the point (VLZ_58); get caught up i (Do not get so caught up in one little thing. Try to see the big picture instead of over-dramatizing about little fights or situations. VLZ_58); get caught up in (Do not get so caught up in one little thing. Try to see the big picture instead of over-dramatizing about little fights or situations. VLZ_58); over-focus (Don't over-focus on exams. VLZ_58); be hung up (Anglophile)
Игорь Миг get a bee in one's bonnet; overthink (Listen, don't overthink things, my love.)
amer. obsess over (e.g. Stop obsessing over/about your weight, you look fine Anglophile)
comp. cycle
Gruzovik, IT hang; loop
IT run into a cyclic path; get caught in an endless loop
Makarov., IT go in cycles; move in loops
psychother. zero in (And why is it that we do tend to zero in on the one or two things in our life that's wrong? Почему мы зацикливаемся на том, что у нас не получается?м kirobite)
robot. run into a cyclic path (при поиске)
slang ape shit (на чём-либо); hung up on
: 25 phrases in 4 subjects