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gen. hobble; apply the brakes; apply a brake
mech.eng. obs. pull the brake
sport. hit a plateau
gen. lock; bog down
auto. jam
| резкий
gen. crude
| экономический подъём
 экономический подъём
econ. upswing

verb | verb | to phrases
затормозить vstresses
gen. apply the brakes (to); apply a brake; arrest; lock; retard; scotch; put the brakes on; put on the brake; bring to a halt; inhibit; stall (cognachennessy); constrain; impede; restrain; suppress; delay (напр., завершение проекта VLZ_58); yank on the brake (букв. "дернуть рычаг тормоза")
Игорь Миг hobble
auto. apply the brake (bigmaxus); pull up (bigmaxus); draw up (Andrey Truhachev)
avia. skid to a halt (при взлёте: the plane skidded to a halt as it was lifting off Val_Ships)
fig. be an obstacle (to); hamper
fig., inf. come to a halt; halt; slow down
Gruzovik, auto. put on the brakes (pf of затормаживать, тормозить)
Gruzovik, inf. begin to brake
Makarov. put a brake on; put on the brakes; put the brakes (что-либо); slam on the brake; slam on the brakes; yank on the brake
math. brake; hinder; slow down; apply the brakes
mech.eng., obs. pull the brake; to put on the brake; tighten the brake
product. let it slide (Yeldar Azanbayev)
railw. bring to a stop
sport. hit a plateau (One of the most frustrating things about training is when you hit a plateau and it seems like you cannot progress any further Julchonok)
tech. damp; dampen
затормозиться v
gen. lock; bog down (См. пример в статье "застопориться". I. Havkin)
auto. jam (о винтах)
Gruzovik, inf. slow down; halt; come to a halt
затормозить: 43 phrases in 11 subjects
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