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verb | verb | to phrases
затащить vstresses
gen. get over (suburbian); drag (into – в: Sightings of strange creatures in Loch Ness, Scotland date back centuries ago. In times long gone, they were known as Kelpies and Water-Horses, supernatural shape-shifting creatures that would drag people into the depths of the loch, drowning them in the process. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); hump up the stairs (по лестнице на другой этаж: Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs to his flat. 4uzhoj); lug in
Gruzovik, inf. drag away (pf of затаскивать); drag off (pf of затаскивать); leave in the wrong place (pf of затаскивать)
inf. get to; become dirty (with wear); become worn out; wear out; drag oneself to
Makarov. drag away; drag off
затащиться v
Gruzovik get to; drag oneself to
inf. drag about; make dirty (with wear); make hackneyed; soil; wear out
inf., fig. make trite
: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1