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засекать vstresses
gen. note (The bubbles are counted and rough estimates of their volume are made while time is noted with a stop watch. I. Havkin); take the bearing; overreach (of horse); take a radio bearing; clock (время); time (напр., время готовки q3mi4); notch; hook (impf of засечь); interfere (impf of засечь); map (impf of засечь); plot (impf of засечь); mark; spot (somethingg or someone Lifestruck)
Gruzovik flog to death (impf of засечь); nick (impf of засечь); make an abatis (impf of засечь)
Игорь Миг get a fix
aerohydr. detect
fig. clock (Vadim Rouminsky)
forestr. intersect
Gruzovik, angl. hook a fish (impf of засечь); strike a fish (impf of засечь)
Gruzovik, cartogr. map (impf of засечь); plot (impf of засечь); determine by intersection (impf of засечь)
Gruzovik, hrs.brd. interfere of horse (impf of засечь); hitch (impf of засечь; of horse)
Gruzovik, mil. plot target, etc. (impf of засечь)
hrs.brd. hit; overreach
inf. spot; discover; whip brutally; flog to death; clock (I saw him clock my scar but he didn't display any obvious revulsion Андрей Шагин); catch (A couple of times he caught his son on porn websites. VLZ_58)
Makarov. fix; notch down (делать зарубки); notch up (делать зарубки); forge (о лошади); tape
mil. pinpoint; locate (Киселев); localize (цель); target (цель Киселев); fix (impf of засечь; target, etc.); fix target, etc. (impf of засечь)
mil., artil. pinpoint (цель, ориентир)
pulp.n.paper jag
survey. locate a point by intersection; locate a point by resection; locate by intersection
tech. notch (делать зарубки)
засекаться v
gen. interfere (о лошади); overreach (о лошади); determine by intersection; flog to death; hook; make an abatis; map; plot; take a radio bearing; take the bearing; nick; notch; strike (a fish)
Gruzovik, hrs.brd. hitch (impf of засечься; of horse); overreach itself (impf of засечься; of horse); cut of horse (impf of засечься)
Makarov. interference; cut (о лошади); hitch (о лошади)
засекай v
idiom. watch dust (Yeldar Azanbayev); watch smoke (Yeldar Azanbayev)
: 36 phrases in 9 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Information technology2
Weapons and gunsmithing1