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запутанный adj.stresses
gen. complicated; complex; inextricable; involute; labyrinthine; sinuous; turbid; perplexed; babelized; Babylonish; Daedalian; entangled; fine-spun; fouled-up; meandrous; mixty-maxty; tangled; vermiculate; implicate; involved; reticular; twisted; knotty; be mazed; in a tangle; fuzzy (Victor Parno); Byzantian; Gordian; esoteric; knotted; profound; tangly; addlepated (AlexP73); labyrinthian (Юрий Гомон); mazelike (Юрий Гомон); fine spun; fouled up; mixty maxty; trickish; complicate; Byzantine; sinuated; muddleheaded (rusputin); controversial (Напр, о судебном решении: "In a СONTROVERSIAL decision, the Supreme Court decided to rehear the case in 1953". sashkomeister); confusing (leong); hard to understand; contrived; snarled; snarly; anfractuous; foul (о снастях, якоре); bewildering (Notburga); labyrinthal (Юрий Гомон); intricate; mazy; baffing (suburbian); mystery (mystery content sankozh); opaque (Opaque report kisseemmee); afoul; clogged
amer. conflicted (She remains a little conflicted about him – Она испытывает внутренний конфликт по поводу него; her feeligs are very conflicted – её чувства такие противоречивые Igor Klenovy)
amer., slang balled-up; snafu
austral. rafferty
book. Daedalean; Dedalian; daedal
cem. perplex
dipl. confused
el. situation normal-all fouled up
explan. fucking
fig. nodous; nodular
jarg. things Are Really Fouled Up
low, explan. fucked up (о плане, работе, действии)
Makarov. convoluted; implex; tortuous
math. tricky
mil., lingo fubar (MichaelBurov); fubb (MichaelBurov); fumtu (MichaelBurov)
nautic. afoul (напр. о снастях, парусах); foul (о снастях)
navig. afoul (напр. о снастях)
obs. mazeful (Юрий Гомон); implicit; meandry
patents. confounded
progr. muddy (напр., о программном решении ssn); messy (ssn)
scottish wimpled
slang tarfu; far out (Interex); gungy (Interex); grungy (Interex); confuddling (Artjaazz); balled up
textile tangle
запутаться v
gen. bewilder one's self; get bewildered; come into trouble; be mingled; tangle; kink; bungle (в споре, дискуссии); be entrapped; be in a maze; get into a fuddle; get into a mess; get into a muddle (в чём-либо); get into hot water; get mixed; be lost in the clouds (в аргументах); tie oneself in knots (в чём-либо); tie oneself up in a knot (Anglophile); tie oneself up into a knot (в проблемах Anglophile); be lost (I'm lost in the meaning luizochk); immesh; catch (в проволоке и т.п.); in confusion (Mirabella76); wander; ravel; entangle; get caught (в проводах Post Scriptum); be in a quandary (He was in a quandary about which candidate to choose. – Она запутался в кандидатах. VLZ_58); be entrapped; be lost in the clouds (в аргументах); be out of bearing; lose the plot (suburbian); get confused (This is a pretty useless map, you can find a much better map. People will get confused if they use it for driving. ART Vancouver); not make heads nor tails of; not make head or tail of; not make head nor tail of
Gruzovik become entangled (pf of запутываться)
Игорь Миг get misplaced
Australia not know whether someone is Arthur or Martha (The Leader of the Opposition does not know whether he is Arthur or Martha, Hekyll or Jekyll, coming or going. leo.org luben)
brit. tie up in knots (в объяснениях Anglophile)
busin. get one's wires crossed
fig. befog; complicate; confuse; involve (in); muddle
Gruzovik, fig. become involved (pf of запутываться; in); entangle oneself in (pf of запутываться); be caught in (pf of запутываться); become entangled in (pf of запутываться); become complicated (pf of запутываться)
hist. encumber (в грязи и т.п.)
humor. go adrift (MichaelBurov); be adrift (MichaelBurov)
idiom. tie yourself up in knots (Commissioner)
Makarov. get mixed up; lose oneself in a digression; ramble off into a digression; be out of bearing; be lost in the clouds (в аргументах и т. п.); become complicated; become entangled; lose oneself in the clouds (в аргументах и т. п.); get into a muddle
Makarov., inf. go up
math. become involved
nautic. hitch; foul
запутать v
gen. entangle; ravel; trip; embarrass; embroil; enmesh; entrap; foul; hopple; immerse; kink; knot; perplex; puzzle; tie somebody up into a knot (кого-либо Anglophile); bedevil; inlace; intertwist; obfuscate; wilder; snarl; snare; implicate; weird; blow out of the water (Maximus_G); trip up (Taras); baffle (The Avangard gliding warhead is a re-entry vehicle designed to perform erratic hypersonic manoeuvres to baffle defence systems. (ВВС) ART Vancouver); bewilder; enwrap; hamper; inwrap; tangle; fuck up; goof up; mess up; mix up; muddle up; screw up
Gruzovik addle (confuse); tangle up (pf of запутывать)
Игорь Миг muddy
amer. play the wild
amer., slang snafu
fig. involve (in); become complicated (pf of запутываться)
Gruzovik, fig. confuse (pf of запутывать); befog (pf of запутывать); complicate (pf of запутывать); muddle (pf of запутывать); involve in (pf of запутывать)
hist. encumber (в грязи и т.п.); incumber
inf. dip; embrangle
Makarov. make balls of something; make balls-up of something; snarl up; tangle up; throw out (в расчётах); trip up; ravel up
Makarov., amer. play the wild (with; кого-либо)
math. muddle up (перен.); become involved (pf of запутываться); confuse (перен. pf of запутывать)
slang foul up; bog up
запутанно adv.
gen. weird (про отношения Tatalya); knottily (сложно younenari); intricately; perplexedly
invect. ass backwards
obs. complicately
запутанное adj.
gen. troubled waters
запутался v
gen. befuddled (обычно употребляется с by или over thefreedictionary.com Tanya Gesse)
запутанные adj.
gen. fine-spun theories
запутанный проблема, задача adj.
gen. gnarly (Difficult to deal with because of being very complicated: This is a gnarly, worldwide problem. 6Grimmjow6)
запутавшись v
gen. afoul (о снастях и т.п.)
запутается v
quot.aph. is going to get confused (Alex_Odeychuk)
: 379 phrases in 44 subjects
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