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gen. taboo; illicit; under ban; forbidden; tabu
account. unlawful
busin. unauthorized
| по
gen. unto
| чётности
Makarov. G-parity
| переход
tech. p-i-n junction
| высшая занятая молекулярная орбиталь
 высшая занятая молекулярная орбиталь
Makarov. highest occupied molecular orbital
| низшая
gen. inferior
| вакантная
gen. vacant
| молекулярная
gen. molecular
- only individual words found

adjective | verb | to phrases
запрещённый adj.stresses
gen. taboo; illicit; under ban; forbidden; tabu; barred; off-limits; prohibited; unallowed; unpermitted; illegal; under a tabu; under a tapu; tapu; flagged (Your message contains inappropriate language. Please edit the following flagged words: SirReal); excluded; interdictive; interdictory
Gruzovik restricted; repressed
account. unlawful
astronaut. stay-out
austral., slang crook
busin. unauthorized
comp. disarmed
comp., net. disabled
construct. unauthorised (законом, правилом)
context. offending (законом: an offending photo Abysslooker)
data.prot. proscribed
dipl. suppressed
econ. illicit (о деятельности); banned
el. disabled (о режиме, сигнале и т.п.)
fin. prohibitive; un-authorized
Gruzovik, mil. out-of-bounds
Gruzovik, sport. foul
IT improper; non-permitted (financial-engineer); illegal (напр. о команде); reserved
law contraband; interdicted; provided against; outlawed
Makarov. under a taboo; unauthorized (законом, правилами)
math. inhibited
nautic. prohibited goods (к ввозу груз)
obs. illicitous
oil unallowable
progr. disable (ssn)
railw. unauthorised
relig. taboo l.A prohibition against touching, saying, or doing (something) for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force; 2. Forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers; 3. To set apart as taboo by marking with a ritualistic symbol
sec.sys. unauthorised (законом, правилом Andrey Truhachev); unauthorized (законом, правилом Andrey Truhachev)
trav. "no admittance"; "forbidden"; "prohibited"
water.res. unavailable
запретить v
gen. interdict; ban (something // someone from doing something); disallow; proclaim; suppress (a publication); taboo; tabu; nix; put foot down; set foot down; clamp down (деятельность, организацию); burke (книгу, журнал); forbid (someone to do something); black out; bar (someone from doing something: The Sri Lankan government has barred journalists from operating in the area • The warden of Mayfield College is barring us from using university land for the assembly.); make something illegal (что-либо; в знач. "объявить вне закона": In 1920, the 18th Amendment made alcohol illegal across the United States. • A woman leads campaign to make spitting in public illegal in India. A.Rezvov); outlaw; put a veto on (smth., что-л.); put down one's foot; put one's foot down; rule out; set down one's foot; set one's foot down
Gruzovik restrict (pf of запрещать); prohibit (pf of запрещать)
Игорь Миг close down; prevent from
comp. disable
comp., MS Block (A permission setting that prevents a person or domain from adding the user to contact lists, seeing the user's status, or sending instant messages to the user); disable (To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device)
footb. suspend
formal bar (bar someone from attending a function ART Vancouver)
idiom. put someone's foot down (vkhanin)
inet. opt out (пользоваться личными данными: to opt out from and prevent your data from being used by ... (контекстуальный перевод) sankozh)
law enjoin; put under restraint
Makarov. clamp down (деятельность организацию); put a veto on something (что-либо); rescind a permit; revoke a permit
math. inhibit
mil. impose a ban
patents. deny; deprive; durch Rechtsspruch abjudicate; prohibit
slang nixie
запретить кому-л. v
gen. enjoin one from (что-л.)
запрещённый по чётности переход высшая занятая молекулярная орбиталь -низшая вакантная молекулярная: 1 phrase in 1 subject