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gen. understate; mark down; underpredict; put too low; set too low; belittle
econ. undercharge
Makarov. detract; under-estimate
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gen. chance
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gen. postulant
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gen. victory

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gen. understate (figures); mark down (оценку); underpredict; belittle; diminish; downplay (цифры, масштабы и т. п.); undersell (An "incident" is any unexpected event that does not result in serious losses or injury; an "accident" is an unexpected event that causes damage, injury, or harm. Therefore, while a mistake that causes property damage–for instance, maybe a machine ends up broken–might be accidental, HR wouldn't refer to it as an "accident" in an official report. Because workplaces are judged on how safe they are, most companies are eager to downplay how serious these unexpected events are. The official terminology can get a little confusing, but it is important to use the right language in your claim. You do not want to undersell the severity of your damages by using the word "incident" instead of "accident." karnskerrisonlaw.com Alex_Odeychuk); downplay (An "incident" is any unexpected event that does not result in serious losses or injury; an "accident" is an unexpected event that causes damage, injury, or harm. Therefore, while a mistake that causes property damage–for instance, maybe a machine ends up broken–might be accidental, HR wouldn't refer to it as an "accident" in an official report. Because workplaces are judged on how safe they are, most companies are eager to downplay how serious these unexpected events are. The official terminology can get a little confusing, but it is important to use the right language in your claim. You do not want to undersell the severity of your damages by using the word "incident" instead of "accident." karnskerrisonlaw.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik put too low (impf of занизить); set too low (impf of занизить)
Игорь Миг underreport; low-ball; play down
econ. undercharge
el. deflate (напр. оценку)
Makarov. detract; under-estimate (оценку); underrate (техническую характеристику)
seism. understate
sport. underscore; undervalue
tech. underestimate; underrate
занижать: 34 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1