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verb | verb | to phrases
замутить vstresses
gen. rile; muddy; mud (жидкость); muddy things up (tfennell); cloud (Liv Bliss); stir up (затеять)
Gruzovik make muddy (pf of мутить)
Игорь Миг stir the pot; churn the waters; confuse
fig. dull; make dull; upset; grow dull (pf of мутиться)
fish.farm. make turbid (dimock)
Gruzovik, inf. feel nauseated (pf of мутить); feel sick (pf of мутить); begin to make turbid; begin to make muddy
Gruzovik, obs. incite (pf of мутить)
inf. be up to (собираться замутить VLZ_58); hit on girls (george serebryakov)
Makarov. make muddy
obs. revolt (pf of мутиться)
slang put off; stir up (I think that only Long Sam and his men could stir it up. == Думаю, что такое могли учудить только Длинный Сэм со своими ребятами.); hook up (with someone – с кем-либо bookworm); get into a relationship (VLZ_58); start a loving relationship (VLZ_58); organize something (VLZ_58); get something cooking (VLZ_58); get things going (VLZ_58); stir up some action (VLZ_58)
"замутить" v
gen. hook up with (с кем-либо e_mizinov)
замутиться v
gen. mutiny (pf of мутиться); muddy; get
Gruzovik grow turbid (pf of мутиться); become turbid (pf of мутиться); grow muddy (pf of мутиться; of liquids); get muddy of liquids (pf of мутиться)
dial., obs. perturbed; be agitated; disturbed
fig. become confused; grow dim
Gruzovik, fig. grow dull (pf of мутиться)
Gruzovik, obs. rise against (pf of мутиться); revolt (pf of мутиться)
: 23 phrases in 5 subjects