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gen. please note; be it noted
gen. note
gen. notice; mark; observe; remark
inf. mind you
| себе
gen. himself

to phrases
заметить vstresses
gen. notice; mark; observe; remark; reprove; cognize; comment; descry; distinguish; spy; gain sight of; get sight of; take notice; sight; espy; be wise; get a sight of (кого-либо, что-либо); get wise; have sight of; spot (bookworm); point out (Arcola); make a comment (по поводу чего-либо ART Vancouver); clap eyes on; take cognizance of; register ([usu. with negative] become aware of: he hadn't even registered her presence. COED. He vaguely registered that the women had gone. OCD. I told her my name, but it obviously didn't register. OALD Alexander Demidov); make a note (of); catch sight of (кого-либо / что-либо marena46); detect; find; pick up on (She's real sharp. She picks up on everything. VLZ_58); catch a glimpse (мимоходом, краем глаза Рина Грант); lamp (They couldn't have lamped us on the road. – Они не могли заметить нас на дороге. VLZ_58); recognize (SirReal); be (get) wise (to); see someone or something coming (The foul ball hit me on the head. I didn't see it coming. 4uzhoj); catch (опечатку: I think you are quite correct! Thanks for catching that! ART Vancouver); take notice of (что-л.); note; make note of; catch sight of (smb., smth., кого́-л., что-л.); catch a glimpse of (неожиданно: Ever since Brigitte Bardot started cavorting on its beaches in the 1950s, Saint-Tropez has been better known as a place to catch a glimpse of a celebrity than a fresh sea bass. theguardian.com ART Vancouver); catch sight; become aware of (что-л., кого-л.: After a few moments I became aware of two more people down on the beach, they were squatting by the shoreline so I had not seen them at first. Then I took a closer look and realized they were not humans. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik note
book. descry (особ. издали)
busin. discern
idiom. make notice (of Баян)
Makarov. catch a sight of; alight on (что-либо); alight upon (что-либо); drop a remark; have a sight of; lay eyes on; set eyes on; clap eyes on (кого-либо); catch sight of (кого-либо, что-либо); get a sight of; take cognizance of (что-либо); take in (что-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. wise up
math. mark off; see; single out
slang tumble to; make
slang, amer. pipe
заметь v
inf. mind you (used after a word you want to emphasize: When we were children, we used to walk, walk mind you, five miles to and from school every day. Anglophile)
uncom. drifting snow (А; позёмка Супру); snawdrift (А; позёмка Супру); snowdrift (А; позёмка Супру)
заметьте v
idiom. mark you ((British, old-fashioned) —used in speech to give stress to a statement that one is making so that a preceding or following statement will not be misunderstood: "I don't always agree with him. Mark you, I'm not criticizing him!" (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
inf. mind you (used after a word you want to emphasize: When we were children, we used to walk, walk mind you, five miles to and from school every day. Anglophile)
заметим v
gen. please note (MichaelBurov)
Заметьте v
gen. Mark you (ART Vancouver)
заметим v
Игорь Миг be it noted
заметив v
math. having noted; having observed
заметит v
gen. note (pf of замечать)
Заметили? v
lit. have you noticed?
: 451 phrases in 34 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Automated equipment1
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Drug-related slang1
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering1
Non-governmental organizations1
Occupational health & safety1
Quotes and aphorisms2
Security systems1