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gen. lay down the foundation for (чего-либо raf); lay the basis for (чего-либо); lay the foundations of/for (ad_notam); establish a path for (чего-либо sankozh)
Игорь Миг lay the groundwork; do the groundwork; do the groundwork for
dipl. lay the groundwork for (чего-либо)
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gen. give a grounding (для... – in... Anglophile); lay a foundation; lay the ground work (AMlingua); lay the groundwork (of Phyloneer); form the basis (Darwin’s theories formed the basis for modern scientific thought. ART Vancouver); establish a framework (MichaelBurov); lay down a base (Oksana-Ivacheva); provide the basis (Paulichatte); make a start toward (You can make a start toward improving your personality. VPK)
Игорь Миг set the stage for
fig. lay the foundation; lay the foundation (for sth. – чего-л.: The video game industry in this city has laid the foundation for a thriving VR / AR industry. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. lay the foundation s of something (чего-либо); give a grounding
media. lay basis (bigmaxus)
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Gruzovik lay the basis for
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: 12 phrases in 7 subjects