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залоговый аукционstresses
gen. loans-for-share (Lavrov); loans-for-shares auction (Аристарх); high-finance shell game (they helped bail the company out of trouble. It's another Federal Reserve, high finance shell game, that not even the boys in DC can grasp. | His lucrative new career at a prestigious London financial house looks like it could get him killed, too. And he has uncovered a high-finance shell- game built on ... Alexander Demidov)
bank. collateral auction (MAMOHT)
EBRD shares-for-loans auction
hist. cash-for-shares privatization (Ремедиос_П)
O&G, karach. LFS auction (loans-for-shares auction Aiduza)
залоговый аукцион
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Real estate1