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Makarov. heals
gen. cure; heal; cure to death; cicatrize
inf. make somebody worse; doctor oneself to death; make someone worse
med. cure; remedy
| язвы общества
 язвы общества
rhetor. ills of society

verb | verb | to phrases
залечивать vstresses
gen. cure (impf of залечить); heal (a wound, sore, etc.); cure to death; cicatrize
Gruzovik, inf. make someone worse by unskilful treatment (impf of залечить)
Gruzovik, med. cure (impf of залечить); remedy (impf of залечить)
inf. make somebody worse; doctor oneself to death (impf of залечиться); doctor someone to death
sl., drug. ring (косяк; the blunt/joint; слюной, чтобы замедлить горение бумаги Tamerlane)
залечиваться v
gen. heal (of a wound); remedy; cure
geol. heal (о трещине)
Gruzovik, inf. doctor oneself to death (impf of залечиться)
Gruzovik, med. heal up (impf of залечиться)
inf. make someone worse (by unskilful treatment)
залечивает v
Makarov. heals
залечивать: 11 phrases in 7 subjects
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