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verb | verb | to phrases
заладит vstresses
gen. begin to repeat over and over again
заладить v
gen. take (to – он заладил ходить в кино – he has taken to going to the movies Andrew Goff); harp (заладить одно и то же – keep harping on the same thing Andrew Goff); repeat (Andrew Goff); bang on about (Andrew Goff); keep repeating; take to (with inf., doing something)
Gruzovik decide to do something; get on (with); live in harmony; make a habit of; take to; begin to repeat the same thing over and over again
inf. go well (pf of залаживаться)
заладиться v
Gruzovik, inf. be a success (pf of залаживаться); go well (pf of залаживаться)
заладит: 32 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Business style1