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gen. exhaustive; inescapable; off-limits; corked; proprietary; diffident
construct. inside
law classified
ling. checked; close
| четырёхколесный
tech. four-wheel
| экипаж
Apollo-Soyuz crew
| на рессорах
 на рессорах
gen. on springs
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
закрытый adj.stresses
gen. exhaustive (This list is by no means exhaustive. The report includes a seemingly exhaustive list of 160 benefits. OCD Alexander Demidov); inescapable (Artjaazz); off-limits (для посещения и т.п.: The site is off-limits to the general public. • The basement and garage will be off-limits during the renovations. • The pond was off-limits to swimmers. – ...закрыт для купания. Alexander Demidov); corked; proprietary (об информации и т.д. Alexander Demidov); diffident (о человеке Ремедиос_П); closeted (gennier); landlocked (рейд); over and done with (о вопросе); secret; high-necked; close; covered; spaceless; barred; unopened; open or shut; high-necked (о платье, блузке и т.п.); hooded; ex-directory (о номере абонента Anglophile); secluded (пляж Mermaiden); secure (e.g. secure facility Tanya Gesse); high necked; out of bounds; out-of-bounds (для военнослужащих; о квартале, баре и т.п.); having no openings; atretic; boarding; shut; shielded; closed-door (о собрании); enclosed; by-invitation-only (One witness told reporters that there were three to four thousand people in attendance at the "by invitation-only" party, watching the game on ... Alexander Demidov); closed-off (an area that you are prohibited from entering or passing through because the door has been locked or the entrance has been blocked is closed off: closed-off town Taras); closed off (Taras)
Gruzovik stopped up; potted
Игорь Миг hushed; low key (для посторонних и проч. We're supposed to be low key.); with restricted access (конт.)
agric. landlocked (о частном землевладении, окружённом землёй, принадлежащей другим лицам)
archit. private (для публики)
auto. locked
bank. closed out
chem. abandoned; blocked
construct. inside; interior; pressurized (напр., фильтр, сосуд)
context. one-time (The last of the one-time Smile Center dentists accused in lawsuits of performing "unnecessary" or "excessive" treatments on minors that were then billed to Medicaid have settled the cases.)
data.prot. patched (Alex_Odeychuk)
dipl. land-locked (о заливе, гавани)
dril. indoor; off; weather-proof
econ. privately-owned
energ.ind. abandoned (напр., проект)
food.ind. fastened up
geol. blind (о долине)
geophys. isolated (о пористости)
Gruzovik, med. atresic; atretic
inf. no-go (для посторонних)
IT private (об информации, доступ к которой ограничен); zoomed out; down; shut down
lat. clausus (Lena Nolte)
law classified; restricted; non-public (т.е. не подлежащий разглашению Alexander Matytsin); inside (inside information Andrey Truhachev); private (о заседаниях)
ling. checked (о слоге); close (гласный)
Makarov. confined; not-go; protected; sheltered; unexposed
mech.eng., obs. encased
med. imperforate; occlusive; impatient
media. ungated
mil. defiladed
mil., arm.veh. cased in
mil., avia. locked closed
mining. plugged (пробкой, пластырем)
mus. stopped
nautic. landlocked (о заливе, гавани)
navig. landlocked (о заливе, о гавани)
O&G, oilfield. locked (запертый); stopped-up (запертый); housed (чем-либо)
oil sealed; shut-in; SI
phonet. closed
progr. nonpublic (ssn)
railw. bridged; inclosed; cased; enclosed self-cooled
SAP.tech. Clost
shipb. embedded (в чём-либо)
softw. proprietary (Alex_Odeychuk)
textile crossed
water.res. private
win.tast. cloaked (о букете вина; в связи с чрезмерной фруктовостью, которая приглушает острые танины)
закрыть v
gen. hide; turn off; adjourn (a meeting); hood; obturate; be shut up (магазин, предприятие); button up; close down (предприятие); close up; fasten up; cover over; take down (Интернет сайт triumfov); disincorporate; double lock; turn off the gas; cover in; cut off; fill; house; patch up; shelter; shroud; bar; conclude; shut; lock; cover; canvas; zip; enclose; curtain (занавеской); mark; bottle up (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг take off the table; put to rest (вопрос Крыма закрыт раз и навсегда)
archit. stop up; plug; stop
astronaut. deck
comp. zoom out
comp., MS close (To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again); dismiss (To reject or turn off a system notification such as a reminder, a new message alert or an alarm)
dril. seal; shut off (воду в скважине); wall off
geol. put to stand (шахту)
idiom. pull the plug on (VLZ_58)
IT unzoom; zoom-out
law clear (дело luisochka)
Makarov. shut up (предприятие); wall off (трещины и пустоты в стенках скважины цементом или глиной); cover over (сверху); blot out; close down; cover up; put down (зонт); shut down (крышку, фрамугу и т. п.)
nautic. secure (клапан)
notar. adjourn (a meeting or a session; parliamentary procedure)
pris.sl. put away (помещать в тюрьму VLZ_58)
railw. abandon; shut-off
shipb. block out (доступ)
slang drop (арестовать Viacheslav Volkov); wash up
tech. reattach (вновь прикрепить (напр., крышку) financial-engineer)
закрыться v
gen. shut; close; rise; button up; close up (о ране); fold; occult; shut down; fold up (о предприятии)
Gruzovik end (pf of закрываться); close down (pf of закрываться); cover oneself; take cover (pf of закрываться)
busin. close its doors (говоря о фирме Alex_Odeychuk)
econ. close shop (A.Rezvov)
inf. pass one's exams (Анна Ф)
Makarov. close down; close up
Makarov., inf. fold up
notar. close (speaking of a meeting or session); rise (speaking of a meeting or session)
rude keep mouth shut (Супру)
uncom. dry up (о роднике Супру)
закройся! v
gen. dry up!
Makarov. guard! (фехтование)
закрывшийся prtc.
gen. defunct (о юридическом лице Ремедиос_П)
закрой v
gen. cut; style (of dress)
закрывшийся prtc.
Игорь Миг now-defunct
закрыться о каком-либо бизнесе, компании v
econ. go out of business (maystay)
закрытая adj.
O&G, sakh. temporally abandoned
закрыт adj.
oil closed
закрытая adj.
oil shut-in (well)
закрытый adj.
progr. closed (ssn)
закрылся v
gen. I passed my exams (Анна Ф)
закройтесь v
gen. pack it in (Oh, pack it in! said the third man grigoriy_m)
"закрытое региональное море" adj.
obs. land-locked sea
закрыта adj.
oil shut down
закрытый четырёхколесный: 1 phrase in 1 subject