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gen. ingratiate; curry favour; make up (перёд кем-либо); suck; crouch; suck up; bow and scrape; humble oneself (перед кем-либо); sidle up to (bookworm); ingratiate oneself with (Wiana); curry favour with (перед кем-либо); cozy up to (spartan); make up; buddy up (buddy up to someone (to become friendly with or curry the favor of): He was buddying up to the political bosses Taras); play up to (Taras); roll over (Learning how to graciously accept an apology without rolling over for the person apologizing is a valuable life skill. VLZ_58); curry favor with; glad-hand (markovka); shine up to (He's always shining up to influential people. VLZ_58); lackey (Andrey Truhachev); grovel (suburbian); humble oneself (перед кем-либо); truckle (to Liv Bliss); cozy up (April May); canvass; woo; try to ingratiate oneself (with перед, with); curry favor (with)
Gruzovik fawn (impf of заискать; upon); try to ingratiate oneself (impf of заискать; with); curry favor with (impf of заискать)
amer. kowtow (she didn't have to kowtow to a boss Val_Ships)
amer., slang chum (особ. перёд учителем)
austral. piss in pocket (I don't want to piss in your pocket, but that was fantastic! • I'm going to have to piss in your pocket, mate, that was great. 4uzhoj)
explan. suck up to (В.И.Макаров)
inf. brown-nose (перед кем-либо acebuddy); kiss up to (Taras); kiss up to (перед кем-либо)
Makarov. humble oneself; make up to (перед кем-либо); try to ingratiate oneself (with; перед или у)
mil., lingo buddy-buddy (MichaelBurov)
slang drag; quill; apple-shine (MichaelBurov); apple-polish (MichaelBurov)
slang, amer. chum (особ. перед учителем)
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: 30 phrases in 7 subjects
Scottish usage1