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verb | verb | to phrases
загораться vstresses
gen. burn (with); light up (о лице, глазах); light; crackle; catch fire; kindle; blush; blaze up; inflame; ignite; take fire; flash; break out (of an argument, fight, etc.); burn up; flare up (о свете); get enthusiastic (rechnik); light up (о глазах, лице); start burning (Andrey Truhachev); start to glow (Andrey Truhachev); start to burn (Andrey Truhachev); be flushed (of one’s face); be consumed with (with instr., an emotion, idea, etc.)
Gruzovik flush (impf of загореться; with); burn with (impf of загореться); blaze with (impf of загореться); begin to burn (impf of загореться); begin to glow (impf of загореться); light up (impf of загореться)
Игорь Миг be into (чем-либо; I thought you'd be into it.)
astronaut. come on; illuminate
auto. flash on (о лампочке)
electric. come on (об огнях, лампочке: If you want the convenience of having certain lights come on at different times of the day, you should buy this model. ART Vancouver)
fire. break into flames; burst into flames; flare out up; go up flames
forestr. spunk
Gruzovik, fig. start (impf of загореться)
Gruzovik, inf. be out of breath; want very much (impf of загореться); overstrain oneself (impf of загореться); have a burning desire (impf of загореться); overstrain oneself; be eager to (impf of загореться)
inf. have a burning desire (with dat.); brew up (MichaelBurov)
Makarov. break out (начинаться); burn with (желанием и т. п.); catch alight; catch fire (начинать гореть); come on (о свете); have a burning desire (сильно захотеться); kindle up; set aflame; be initiated (об электрической дуге); strike (об электрической дуге); catch fire from (от чего-либо); flare up (о свете и т. п.); fire (об электрической дуге)
med., tech. flare-up
railw. flash on (о свете)
tech. light up (о контрольной лампе); conflagrate; show up (о сигнальной лампочке BorisKap)
therm.eng. burst into flame
загорать v
gen. become brown (chilin); sunburn; become or get sunburned; sun-bathe; catch some rays; lie in the sun (go lie in the sun! – иди позагорай!" "I'm going to spend some quality time lying in the sun – (в отпуске) буду загорать сколько душа пожелает Рина Грант); burn (о коже); sun; get a sun-tan; take a tan; take the sun; bask in the sun; get a tone (hothouse); soak in the sun (ART Vancouver); sunbathe (syn: acquire a tan, become brown or sunburnt; тж. см. bake in the sun Taras); to sunny onself (ad_notam); blacken; brown; tan; embrown; light; suntan (на солнце PanKotskiy); sun oneself (It looks like she was sunning herself and never saw it coming Taras)
Gruzovik become sunburnt (impf of загореть); acquire a tan (impf of загореть); become tanned (impf of загореть)
Игорь Миг sit on one's hands (перен.)
book. apricate (sunman)
fig. start (impf of загореться)
inf. bag rays (Anglophile); soak up a few rays (I'm going to the beach to soak up (catch) a few rays (catch some rays). VLZ_58); have a burning desire (impers); overstrain oneself (impf of загореться); want very much (impers)
Makarov. sun oneself; acquire a tan; bake in the sun; become brown; become sunburnt; become tanned; get a suntan; soak up dazzling (о человеке); soak up sunshine (о человеке); sunbathe
obs. imbrown
slang catch some rays (на солнце: Today I'm gonna go to the beach to catch some rays. == Сегодня я собираюсь на пляж позагорать.)
загорающий prtc.
gen. sun bather (Olesja_22)
: 56 phrases in 11 subjects
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