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verb | verb | to phrases
забываться vstresses
gen. escape memory; forget; recede; nap (сном); doze; blow over; be forgotten (Andrey Truhachev); drift off (сном Olya34); be out of line (Natangel)
забывать v
gen. wear; weir
забываться v
gen. doze off; be lost in thought
забывать v
gen. forget; leave behind (где-либо); be in mind; sink; lose sight of; tine; condone; leave behind (где-либо); leave (accidentally); disregard ("не уделять должного внимания" bellb1rd); lose; overlook (Marilyn and Fred adopted their 12-year-old black-and-white cat Rosie from a shelter after their other rescues – Pickle, a cheerful Chihuahua, and Henry, a peach-coloured stray. "It's important to give older animals a home," Marilyn says. "They often get overlooked." – О них часто забывают. ART Vancouver); blank (тж. blank out Taras)
забываться v
Gruzovik become unconscious (impf of забыться); doze off; drop off (impf of забыться); lose consciousness (impf of забыться); sink into a reverie (impf of забыться); forget oneself (impf of забыться)
Игорь Миг be a thing of the past
забывать v
amer. unknow (Larisa Leonova)
busin. slip one's mind (о чем-л.)
забываться v
dial. oversee oneself
забывать v
dial. disremember
fig. let it go (Taras)
забываться v
idiom. get out of line ("What's your name, cholo?" "Take your hand off me," he snapped. "And don't call me a cholo. I'm no wetback. My name is Juan Garcia de Soto yo Soto-mayor. I am Chileno." "Okay, Don Juan. Just don't get out of line around here. Keep your nose and mouth clean when you talk about the people you work for." (Raymond Chandler) – Не забывайся / Не позволяй себе лишнего ART Vancouver)
забывать v
idiom. shut the door on (refuse to remember: We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it.); shut the door on (refuse to remember) e.g.)
забываться v
Makarov. fade from memory; forge oneself; forget oneself; go out of one's memory; slip one's memory
забывать v
Makarov. neglect; leave behind (оставлять)
slang let it lay; write off (I had so many troubles with my car that finally, I wrote it off and bought a new one. == У меня было так много проблем с моей машиной, что в конце концов я бросил её и купил новую.); shine it on (о проблеме — "Shine it on" is an informal English phrase that means to ignore or dismiss something or someone. It's often used in situations where someone doesn't want to deal with a particular issue or person, and they choose to not pay attention to it or them. The phrase can also be used to suggest that someone should let go of a concern or not worry about a particular matter vogeler)
забываемый prtc.
gen. forgettable
math. forgotten; neglected
забывая v
obs. obliviously
 Russian thesaurus
забываться v
gen. щжсм. забыться ***
забывать: 214 phrases in 25 subjects
Corporate governance1
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms2
Scuba diving1
Uncommon / rare2