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verb | verb | to phrases
забраться vstresses
gen. appropriate; buy on credit; seize; take in (pari of a garment, etc); take over; turn aside; turn off; climb; bite; climb on in (Great, climb on in here and put everything into the record system. Ant493); get into; steal into; get to; hide
Gruzovik go into hiding (pf of забираться); hide out (pf of забираться); get into (pf of забираться); get to
inf. come over; gather momentum; pile in (куда-либо)
obs. buy constantly in one store; take (large amount)
tech. get on; catch (of an anchor)
забрать v
отобрать; увести; забрать себе; забрать у
gen. pick up; take in; shorten; pick sb. up (кого-л.); take (You took my wife, my job, my house. • Of the personal property they took from me, the only thing I had an attachment to was a velvet Qur'an cover that Shaffia's grandmother had made for me.); get; take away (1. отобрать: The teacher took my mobile phone away until the end of the lesson. • 2. заставить пойти с собой: The police took him away for questioning.); take up (арестовывать); arrest; capture; pick; go pick someone up (заехать за кем-либо VlaDyMaria); retrieve (что-либо назад: The criminals have to come back and retrieve the skimmer to get the data it's captured. • Once a team member is let go, set up a time they can come back to retrieve their personal belongings when everyone is gone, so they're not embarrassed. 4uzhoj); collect (груз в месте ожидания, машину из ремонта, вещи из химчистки, ребенка из садика и т.п.: Orders can be collected from your nearest standalone Mulberry store free of charge. • Your car is ready. If you wish to collect it, he will be at the garage until seven this evening. • We both work full time at the university and are looking for someone to help us collect children from daycare and help around the house a bit. • You can spend the evening with her and I'll come and collect you on my way home.); pick up (I'll pick you up at the station when you arrive. • And if your child is at a party and spots a bowl of pills, tell her to call for help. You can even agree on a "code" term that means "pick me up immediately." • Don't forget to pick up the stuff from the dry cleaner's! Acruxia)
Gruzovik appropriate (pf of забирать); block up (pf of забирать; = забить); stop up (pf of забирать; = забить); take over (pf of забирать); turn aside (pf of забирать); turn off (pf of забирать); seize of emotions (pf of забирать); take in (one's) hands (pf of забирать); bite (of an anchor; pf of забирать)
chess.term. take
context. press into service (на службу и т.п.: The Luftwaffe pressed him into service in 1944. – В 44-м его забрали в Люфтваффе. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. come over of emotions (pf of забирать); gather momentum (pf of забирать)
Gruzovik, obs. buy constantly in one store (pf of забирать); buy on credit (pf of забирать)
Gruzovik, sew. take in part of a garment, etc (pf of забирать)
Gruzovik, tech. of an anchor bite (pf of забирать); catch (pf of забирать)
humor. co-opt
inf. collect (человека по пути на машине); of a feeling come over (someone); seal up; close up; bear; scuttle (RudsNR); grab (Sorry, I'm just gonna grab my bike. – Извините, я хочу забрать свой велик. (с велостоянки) ART Vancouver)
Makarov. have one's boots nailed; knock off (отводить в полицейский участок: забирать в милицию или полицию); pick up (арестовать и т. п.)
Makarov., inf. run in (напр., в полицейский участок)
Makarov., slang, amer. knock over
obs. buy (pf of забираться)
slang knock; pull; pull in; pick someone up
забери v
gen. take it off (Stormy)
 Russian thesaurus
забрать v
inf. забрать в полицию (Меня хотели забрать MichaelBurov)
: 207 phrases in 27 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Bookish / literary1
Card games1
Cliche / convention1
Human resources2
Information technology2
Traffic control1