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ещё быstresses
gen. you bet; I should think so!; rather (в ответ на вопрос, предложение); I should say so; of course; of course!; sure!; and how!
amer. I'll bet my last dollar (Bobrovska)
chat. shonuff (сленговое выражение, очень распространённое в интернете. shonuff = sure enough (внатуре, ещё бы, точняк и т.п.) zmejka)
idiom. don't I know it (VLZ_58)
inf. did i ever! (Asterite); typical (VLZ_58); I'll bet a cookie (Bobrovska); I'll bet my boots (Bobrovska); I know (suburbian); I'll bet a dollar (US, шутл. A dollar doesn't go as far as it used to... Liv Bliss); I should say not
slang you can say that again!
ещё бы!
gen. didn't we just!; sure thing (Anglophile); Shocker (саркаст.); I should say so!; you can say that again!
Gruzovik yes, rather!
amer. duh (VLZ_58)
inf. just a bit (used for emphasizing that something is definitely true; Ex.: ‘She's taking it all very seriously.' ‘Just a bit!' Lavrin); did i ever! (Asterite); did I ever! ("Did you like the show?" "Did I ever!" – "Тебе понравилось шоу?" "Еще бы!/Еще как!/Вообще!" Asterite); tell me about it! (ART Vancouver); hell yes! (spelled); Hell yeah (выражение согласия или восторга в экспрессивной манере)
slang and how!; I know, right?; you said it; you can say that again
Ещё бы!
inf. I'll say! (agreeing with another speaker || used to show that you agree very strongly with what has been said:: "Does he eat a lot?" "I'll say!" ART Vancouver)
ещё бы
: 69 phrases in 8 subjects