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ерунда nstresses
gen. nonsense (this nonsense has gone on long enough — эта ерунда продолжается достаточно долго); trifle; apple sauce; bilge; trash; gadget; rubbish; shuck; trumpery; penny gaff; asininity; crud; flimflam; horsefeathers; jiggery-pokery; Mickey Mouse; playgame; flapdoodle; hokum; kibosh; picayune; taradiddle; toy; waffle; applesauce; moonshine (Everything they said was just a load of moonshine vogeler); galimatias; gallimatia; horse manure; nothing at all; skittles!; tarradiddle; child's play; dust; lemon; snap; dog's breakfast (rubbish the rookie); crapola (КГА); diddle daddle; jiggery pokery; tilly vally; shenanigan; a piece of cake (driven); mumbo jumbo (Taras); gibberish (Mira_G); twaddle (plushkina); chaff; cock; crazy talk (Himera); it's nothing (в значении "не стоит благодарности" (контекстуально): "Thank you!" "Oh, it's nothing" vladibuddy); unenjoyable (Анна Ф); eggs in the coffee; monkey business; piece of cake; small potatoes
Игорь Миг jaywalking; small potatoes; not to worry; nothing-burger
adv. flim-flam
amer. pipe (разг. Aly19); hog-wash; schtum (Solidboss)
amer., inf. pickle; poppy-cock
austral., slang all my eye and Betty Martin; tripe
brit. bugger
dial. rubbage (от rubbish Lana Falcon)
fig. non sequitur (VLZ_58)
fig.of.sp. a load of old cobblers (Chita); chickenshit (то же, что bullshit, horseshit wiseact)
Gruzovik, inf. trifling matter
idiom. duck soup (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. footle; truck; buff; gaff; bullshit (о чьих-то словах, действиях, мнении); crock; diddle-daddle; claptrap; heresy (Merc); boohockey (chronik); rot; madness (Andrey Truhachev); it is nothing (в качестве ответа на благодарность и т.п. Abysslooker); it's no trouble (в значении "не стоит обращать внимания" и т.д. Abysslooker); never mind! (Abysslooker); trifling amount; a cinch; a snap
inf., low hooey
irish.lang. codology (sixthson)
jarg. joke (Damirules)
Makarov. nonsense (часто как восклицание); stuff
Makarov., inf. apple
slang boloney; tosh; codswallop; bunk; chicken; crappy; dingbat; doohickey; doowhistle; doowillie; garbage; horsefeathers horse-feathers; hot air; jazz; moonshine; nigger-pot; noise; poppycock; sludge; flush it; hogwash; guff; kybosh (старобританское словцо mazurov); a whole lot of nothing (Liv Bliss); no skin off one's back (нечто, что не представляет проблем: Hey, it's no skin off my back if you want to get a tattoo. I'm just saying that it's something you may regret someday. A: "Do you mind if I store some of my stuff in your garage for a while?" B: "Eh, it's no skin off my back." vogeler); baloney; rhubarb (Svetlana D); soft soap (Artjaazz); double-talk (Artjaazz); doublespeak (Artjaazz); ludicrousness (Artjaazz); thoughtlessness (Artjaazz); balderdash (Artjaazz); Greek (Artjaazz); nerts (Don't talk that kind of nerts to me! Не говори мне ерунды! (вариант nurts) dzenkor); bull (короткая версия слова bullshit: That's a load of bull! vogeler)
vulg. balls to that lark; cack; pants; poppycock (от голландского pappekak = "soft shit"); sheet; shit for the birds; shit; tomtit; bosh; pap; bannocks
vulg., brit. bollocks
ерунда! n
gen. fiddle (восклицание); rot (выражает пренебрежение, презрение); get along with you!; piffle!; gammon; humbug; it's a joke! (simple as pie Damirules); that's nonsense! (("You take the controls." "I don't know how to fly an airplane!" "That's nonsense! Anybody can fly a plane." "Ерунда! Любой человек может управлять самолётом." ("It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", 1963) ART Vancouver); flush it; that is the bunk; that's the bunk
amer. shucks (выражает презрение, пренебрежение)
brit. rubbish! (ART Vancouver)
inf. piece of cake (= легко! Franka_LV)
Makarov. stuff and nonsense!
nonstand. tosh
obs. tilly-vally
slang wet idea; rat
Ерунда! n
gen. Ridiculous! (Азери)
: 160 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
British usage, not spelling2
Cliche / convention3
Explanatory translation1
Low register1