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gen. fool; booby; blunderhead; jackass; foozle; noddy
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дурак nstresses
gen. fool; booby; blunderhead; jackass; foozle; noddy; goose; idiot; moke; stupe; tomfool; zany; wise man of Gotham; you fool; jolter-head; juggins; oxhead; ratbag; tom-noddy; gowk; a man of Gotham; motley; turnip; kaputnik (Putney Heath); ignoramus (Andrew Goff); dumb bell; goose cap; hobbyhorse; tom noddy; dolt; gander; ninny; sheep's-head; halfwit (nofour138); bone-head; ass; a wise man of Gotham; cuddy; Gothamite; dufus (Taras); boob (о человеке: She's not the helpless boob she seems to be vogeler); doofus (vogeler); mouthbreather (иногда раздельно: mouth breather; иногда через дефис: mouth-breather: every single word that mouthbreather is allowed to publish is completely destroying the image of the newsletter vogeler); beast; clod pate; clumps; dunce; dunder head; dupe; master grizzle; moon calf; natural; oaf; simpleton; sot; bullhead; dumbhead; dumbo; sappyhead; dizzard (grigoriy_m); tit (ad_notam)
Gruzovik dotterel
amer. dummy (Val_Ships); baboon (a jerk; a stupid person (Also a rude term of address): Stop acting like a baboon! Grow up! Hey, baboon, get off my lawn! Komparse); dingus (Taras); stunad (Taras); dumb skull (a person with poor judgment or little intelligence (derogatory Taras); zod (амер. сленг essj); knobnot (детское ругательство: 'You're a knobnot.' Caddy said. Jason cried" (The Sound and the Fury). Beforeyouaccuseme); loof (Urban dictionary:Fool backwards. You say loof because it sounds a lot better than fool. But, it basically means the same. I heard this word in "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" MartiniDetka)
amer., inf. dumb-bell
amer., slang it
austral. slowpoke
austral., slang galah; melon; nong
avunc. dumb-ass (Andrey Truhachev); putz (Andrey Truhachev)
billiar. fluke
brit. womble (a fool, a socially unacceptable individual Taras)
comp. bagbiter
dial. geck; gig
Gruzovik, comp.sl. bozo
Gruzovik, hist. jester
hobby Durak (card game Inman)
idiom. melon head (Interex)
inf. nitwit; softy; stupid; wooden head; goose-cap; pinhead; blunt; boodle; imbecile; pothead; beetlebrain; blob; boob; clown; cluck; dum-dum; blunderbuss; goat; punk; chicken-head; ass maggot (Taras); silly; chicken head; noodlehead (kuziavka); dumb bunny (Taras); pea-brain (Taras); dimwit; dope; goof; cod; soft; softie; gaga; mouth-breather (VLZ_58); cabbage head; sucker (VLZ_58); pinbrain (Prastabah)
inf., brit. clot (часто беззлобно)
invect. shit-head; prick (nicknicky777); butthead (nicknicky777)
irish gobdaw (If a "World's Biggest Gobdaw" contest existed, you would've definitely took the first place – В соревнованиях на самого большого дурака на свете ты несомненно имел бы все шансы занять первое место Taras)
irish.lang. omadhaun; ape (ad_notam)
jamaic.eng. bobo (возжможно использовать также bubu isouljah)
jap. baka (Rust71)
jarg. bananahead (nicknicky777)
jarg., inf. meat-head
low donkey
Makarov. a right one; jolterhead; natural fool (от рождения); right one
mil., lingo jerk (Yeldar Azanbayev)
obs. saddle-goose (A 19th century insult meaning Someone who is so foolish they'd consider putting a saddle on a goose.: Now listen here you chuckaboo, do not hold disdain for my attractive physique. Perhaps if you groomed yourself more eloquently you would not find yourself a bachelor still. Even more so, perhaps the young lady you court will return your correspondence when she tries of the surgeon or magistrate she fancies. SADDLE-GOOSE! urbandictionary.com mancy7); saddlegoose (A 19th century insult meaning Someone who is so foolish they'd consider putting a saddle on a goose.: Now listen here you chuckaboo, do not hold disdain for my attractive physique. Perhaps if you groomed yourself more eloquently you would not find yourself a bachelor still. Even more so, perhaps the young lady you court will return your correspondence when she tries of the surgeon or magistrate she fancies. SADDLE-GOOSE! urbandictionary.com mancy7); saddle goose (A 19th century insult meaning Someone who is so foolish they'd consider putting a saddle on a goose.: Now listen here you chuckaboo, do not hold disdain for my attractive physique. Perhaps if you groomed yourself more eloquently you would not find yourself a bachelor still. Even more so, perhaps the young lady you court will return your correspondence when she tries of the surgeon or magistrate she fancies. SADDLE-GOOSE! urbandictionary.com mancy7); dullhead; nidget; wantwit; changeling
rude horse's ass
rude, slang dork dude
Scotl. bampot
scottish daftie (КГА)
slang nut; mutt; sap; berk; mope; mutton-top; yock; yuk; goofus (VLZ_58); derp-de-derp (You don't have to perform for someone. You should be loved for the little derp-de-derp you are. Shabe); donut (from Urban Dictionary ikondra); dumbhead (Buddy89); futz (A fool; a simpleton : He fell overboard because he is such a futz! Always goofing around! urbandictionary.com); knut; zod; cottonhead (КГА); ballooned; chump; coon; dim-wit; dumb-head; dummy; egghead; fat-head; fathead; flat-head; foo-foo; food for the squirrels; good fellow; gripe; hammerhead; hoosier; ivory dome; jay; jiggins; Joe Schmo; jug-head; knucklehead knuckle-head; lane; lard-head; lump; lunk; marble-dome; meathead; mess; moon-head; mud-head; muff; muscle-head; mush-head; mut; muttonhead; newt; nit-wit; noodle-head; numbie; palooka; palooker; paluka; peahead pea-head pea head; pin-head; point-head; pointty-head; potato-head; putty-head; rattle-brain; rattlebrain; rockhead; rubberneck; saphead sap-head; sausage; scag; schmeggery; schmoe; scissor-bill; scissorbill; scissorsbill; semolia; skag; stoop; tackhead; twit; mallet-head; yack; Caspar; dip; jake; jughead; loon; solid ivory; stick; yak; yap; yuck; zib; chickenhead; bada (одна из разновидностей синонимов к слову asshole sensaurus); burke (Anglophile); dude; pillock (Svetlana D); gomer (Franka_LV); brack-brain (Interex); cabbagehead (What cabbagehead put this thing on upside down? Какой дурак поставил эту вешь вверх ногами? Interex); conehead (Interex); drip (Merton is a drip, I guess, but he's harmless. Я полагаю, Мертон дурак, но он безобиден. Interex); flathead (Interex); gazizzey (Interex); gazob (Interex); gonzel (Interex); goobrain (Interex); goofball (Interex); helium head (Interex); jel (Interex); mental (Don't be a mental. Не будь дураком. Interex); mushhead (Interex); numbhead (Interex); potatohead (Interex); puttyhead (у которого вместо мозгов замазка Interex); schmegegge (Interex); schmegeggy (Interex); weenie (Interex); jaybird (Deep South term from the 1960s and before which means approximately: fool, bastard, jerk, jackass, silly twit, silly billy, doofus, goofball, goof-off, layabout, delinquent, lazy bum, gadabout, joker, popinjay, etc. This word is almost always meant as an affectionate insult among friends, and doesn't carry much wallop. Magnus261); Arnold (Interex); strawberry (That bloke's a right strawberry. Interex); knuts (читается [nΛts] Rashid29); bad egg (Br.public school sl. Andrey Truhachev); gonsel (Interex); twat (Artjaazz); speng (nofour138); airhead (Yeldar Azanbayev); ninkypoop (duckesa); ninkenpoop (duckesa); cheesehead (a blockhead Val_Ships); ijit (Prastabah)
slang, contempt. dingleberry (Anglophile)
vulg. bed-wetter; baboon; dipstick; plonker
vulg., brit. arse
yiddish. meshuggah (MichaelBurov); meshuga (MichaelBurov); meshuggener (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг, inf. fuckhead
дураки n
gen. men of motley
coll. foolery
misused doodle (Yokky)
slang sharper's tools
дураком n
gen. get the laugh
knut дурак n
slang nut
: 1136 phrases in 49 subjects
American usage, not spelling16
British usage, not spelling5
Computer networks1
Computing slang2
Gold mining8
Humorous / Jocular8
Information technology3
Japanese language1
Low register7
Military lingo3
Obsolete / dated1
Professional jargon2
Quotes and aphorisms3
Scottish usage1
Uncommon / rare14
Vernacular language1