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достало vstresses
inf. I'm so done right now (4uzhoj)
достать v
gen. be able to touch; obtain; get; come by; procure; reach; fetch; sure; take (from a certain place); fish out; give a royal pain in the neck; get to (он меня "достал" - he really got to me Tanya Gesse); go get some (что-либо bigmaxus); be sick of the whole business (о деле); come at (добраться); draw out (вынимать); remove (из кармана, портфеля и т.д.); come up with (деньги TarasZ); lay one's hands on (раздобыть, купить и т. п.: I couldn't lay my hands on a copy of the book. В.И.Макаров); acquire; get hold of (Somehow she managed to get hold of the band's new album before it came out.); suffice; retrieve; secure; be enough; bust chops (Анна Ф); wear down (VLZ_58); reach up (рукой Побеdа); wangle (по блату; I wangled two tickets for them to an Ellington concert Taras); get out (предмет, откуда-либо: "By the time I got my phone out it had gone underneath again." – пока я достал телефон unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver); get one's hands on (раздобыть что-либо); scrounge up (See if you can scrounge up a new carburetor — Постарайся достать новый карбюратор Taras); pull out (Let me pull out the textbook (позвольте мне достать/открыть учебник) itsanastasia)
Gruzovik touch (pf of доставать)
Игорь Миг nag; bait
amer. be sick and tired (дальше некуда; You've been giving me the same old excuses for months and I'm sick and tired of hearing them! Val_Ships); be fed up with (чем-либо;: She was fed up with their complaints – их жалобы её достали Val_Ships); hack off (She really hacks me off. Val_Ships)
amer., slang be fed up (перен.; sick and tired of a situation or treatment: I'm fed up with it! Val_Ships)
austral. pull (нож, пистолет и т.п.)
fig.of.sp. give someone a royal pain in the backside (Халеев); pressurize (savvin_se)
idiom. have had a bellyful of (Yeldar Azanbayev); have a bellyful of (Yeldar Azanbayev); get under someone's skin (кого-либо; She really knows how to get under my skin with her nagging. Val_Ships); get sick (перен.; of somthing; when you are tired of something Val_Ships)
inf. get to (кого-либо; someone); get goat (раздражать, надоедать, утомлять разговорами, просьбами и т. п. to annoy someone, to make oneself a pest, to wear someone out with talk, requests, etc.); score (билеты joyand); wind someone up (кого-либо ilma_r); dig out (Andrey Truhachev); drive someone crazy (кого-либо Val_Ships); cheese off (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: I'm a bit cheesed off with this temping, I think it's time to dig in somewhere comfy.); be/get on someone's case (Liv Bliss)
inf., amer. scuffle (преим.; что-либо)
Makarov. come by (что-либо); get hold of something (что-либо); make sure of; make sure that
Makarov., inf., amer. scuffle on (что-либо); scuffle up (что-либо); scuffle upon (что-либо)
media. make sure (of, that)
slang fix someone up (то, что заказал, о чем попросил кто-то); reach
достаться v
gen. accrue; come; fall to; get (место досталось не ему – he didn't get the position or job Andrew Goff); inherit (по наследству Andrew Goff); win (при выигрыше Andrew Goff); receive (при разделе и т. д. Andrew Goff); benefit (from Andrew Goff); catch (ему достанется – he'll catch it Andrew Goff); bear (о неприятностях: ему достанется – he'll have a lot to bear Andrew Goff); endure (Andrew Goff); fall to one's lot (это досталось ему – it fell to his lot или it fell to him (to have to resolve the problem, etc.) Andrew Goff); share; befall; go to (о награде: JKL Development won the final award of the evening, Custom Home Builder of the Year. Multi-Family Home Builder of the Year and Residential Community Builder of the Year went to Surrey-based FGH Construction. – достались ART Vancouver); be incumbent (it was incumbent upon/on him – это досталось ему Andrew Goff); pass into the possession of; fall to one’s lot
Gruzovik come into (pf of доставаться; by inheritance); fall to one's share (pf of доставаться); pass to by inheritance (pf of доставаться)
idiom. take one's lumps (здорово достаться: They took their lumps trying to stop him Taras)
inf. come in for; get it hot and strong (He got it hot and strong from my wife when I came home late in the night – Ему здорово досталось от жены, когда он заявился домой поздно ночью VLZ_58); get it; catch it; catch hell
Makarov. accrue to (кому-либо); go to (перейти в чьё-либо владение)
"достать" v
gen. be the end of (sb.); catch up with (sb.); the end of (sb.)
idiom. yank someone's chain (кого-либо myhas)
Makarov. tick off
rude fuck sb. off (кого-л.)
достал! v
gen. enough of this! (Александр_10)
досталось v
idiom. took a beating (The company took a beating on social media for its controversial decision. ART Vancouver)
достал! v
idiom. screw you (Pier)
досталось v
polit. caught it bad (от; from Maria Klavdieva)
как меня это все достало v
gen. how aggravating! (Anglophile)
"достали" v
inf. I've had it up to here with them (VLZ_58)
достали v
slang sick and tired of
: 423 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Drug-related slang2
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular2
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms2
Scottish usage1