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допрашивать свидетелейstresses
gen. take testimony
допрашивать свидетеля
gen. question a witness; examine a witness (the suspect, the prisoner, etc., и т.д.)
law take witness testimony (о суде 4uzhoj)
law, court take witness testimony (о суде); hear a witness (о суде); examine a witness (о суде: At the preliminary examination, a magistrate shall examine the complainant and the witnesses in support of the prosecution, on oath and, except as provided in sections 11a and 11b of this chapter, in the presence of the defendant, concerning the offense charged and in regard to any other matters connected with the charge that the magistrate considers pertinent. • Where an order is made for the examination of witnesses under section 1 of the 1975 Act as applied by section 92 of the Patents Act 19771 the court may permit an officer of the European Patent Office to: (a) attend the examination and examine the witnesses; or (b) request the court or the examiner before whom the examination takes place to put specified questions to them.)
law.enf. interview a witness (на стадии следствия 4uzhoj)
допрашивать свидетелей
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects