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gen. arrive at one's finger-ends; arrive at one's finger-tips; have had it; reach rock bottom (Anglophile); touch bottom (Anglophile); be at the end of tether (Anglophile); at the end of rope (scherfas)
Игорь Миг be at the end of one's rope
amer., dial. sell saddle
fig., inf. find oneself in a hopeless situation
Gruzovik, fig. find oneself in a hopeless situation
idiom. at the end of one's rope (Taras)
inf. hit the skids (Agasphere)
Makarov. reach an impasse
proverb arrive at one's finger-end
slang fold; reach the end of the line; come undone (в песне Robbie W. basil)
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: 3 phrases in 2 subjects