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gen. it's all arranged; it's all settled
gen. finish; finish up; finish speaking; speak out; finish speaking; have say
Makarov. finish saying; finish telling
| по
gen. unto
| какому-либо вопросу
 какой-либо вопрос
gen. have out

verb | verb | to phrases
договориться vstresses
gen. talk to some extreme; agree about (sth, о чем-л.); agree about a subject (о чем-л.); come to an arrangement (Lavrov); make a bargain; make an agreement; agree (to); arrange (to arrange with someone about something – договориться с кем-либо о чём-либо); covenant (с кем-либо о чём-либо); make (о времени, месте и т.п.); coordinate (о чем-то; something with someone Andrey Truhachev); come to terms; clinch; settle; make arrangement; clench; concert; make arrangements (о чём-либо); argue out (argue something out with somebody – договориться с кем-либо о чём-либо); arrange a matter; drive a bargain; fix up; be agreed on (о чём-либо); close a bargain; come to an accommodation; strike hands; come to accommodation (Lavrov); bargain; negotiate (о чём-либо); strike a bargain; reason with (bookworm); come to an agreement on with; agree to do (dmipec); agree on (sth., о чем-л.); agree with (с кем-либо); strike a deal (triumfov); parley; come to an agreement on something (о чём-либо); come to an agreement upon something (о чём-либо); come to an arrangement on something (о чём-либо); come to an arrangement upon something (о чём-либо); see eye to eye with (Taras); see eye to eye (Taras); make terms (with somebody – с кем-либо); have an arrangement (We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook. george serebryakov); make a bargain (о чём-либо); be agreed on; come to an agreement on with (о чём-либо, с кем-либо); agree on (о чём-либо); arrange to meet with (4uzhoj)
Gruzovik make an arrangement with (pf of договариваться); come to an agreement about
busin. agree on something (о чем-л.); make an appointment; make arrangements about (smth., о чем-л.); work out a deal (with – с: Are the Europeans going to work out a deal with Greece? ART Vancouver); come to agreement; firm with (с кем-либо Labutina Marina); stipulate for something (о чём-либо вк)
context. work something out (with someone: So how do you handle extra-curriculars like music? He just doesn't do those for this year? Or have you worked something out with the school? 4uzhoj)
dipl. settle a bargain; come to terms with (с кем-либо); make terms with (с кем-либо)
econ. contract; come (to); talk; agree; negotiate (about)
fin. close (о заключении сделки Alexander Matytsin)
inf. handle; cut a deal (Do you think we can still cut a deal with the Rizzotto family? ART Vancouver); square (в знач. "уладить конфликт полюбовно": He squared it with the Board, no one knows how. 4uzhoj); fix (в значении "устроить (так, чтобы)": Sonny is going to fix it so that the guys on the Lao side of the border crossing ain't going to ask any questions and they are just going to wave our jeeps through the check-points. 4uzhoj); talk oneself into trouble (до чего-либо плохого: it seemed you talked yourself into trouble, getting this bullet right into your stomach – похоже, что ты, наконец, дотрепался и получил пулю в живот В.И.Макаров)
law make an arrangement; come to an agreement; reach an agreement (about); come to an understanding (about)
Makarov. agree about something (о чём-либо); agree as to something (о чём-либо); arrange matters; be a bargain; come to an agreement (about); fix a game (предложить за выигрыш взятку и т. п.); make terms; negotiate about; reach agreement; come an understanding; close bargain; come to an understanding; get together; understand each other; understand one another; come to terms with (someone – с кем-либо); come to an agreement about with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); come to an agreement on with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); come to an agreement upon with (о чём-либо с кем-либо); come to understanding; make terms with; reach an understanding; treat for
math. reach (agreement); come to
notar. reach an agreement
patents. balance; compensate
slang fix someone up
договорились! v
по рукам
gen. it's all arranged; it's all settled; done with you!; sounds like a deal! (Ivan Pisarev); done; it is a whizz!; it's a go!; it is a whiz!; okey-dokey (Anglophile); agreed; settled; it's a deal!; it's a go; that's a bargain; that is settled then; that's a bargain!; all right! (Abysslooker); done!
cliche. that's settled
inf. deal! (ART Vancouver); dead on (smalldoll); it's a deal (Азери); go on then! (Svetisunrise); we're all agreed (then we're all agreed – значит, договорились george serebryakov); fair enough (Abysslooker)
nonstand. check
slang good deal!; in the bag
договорить v
gen. finish (speaking etc deathray); finish up (bigmaxus); finish speaking; have one's say
Gruzovik finish speaking; speak out (pf of договаривать)
Gruzovik, obs. arrange with
Makarov. finish saying; finish telling
договорились? v
gen. is it a go?
inf. is it a deal? (MichaelBurov); a deal? (AlexandraM); we got a deal? (Abysslooker)
договорились v
gen. that is settled; that's settled
slang done and done (Taras)
: 384 phrases in 31 subjects
Cliche / convention1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Food service and catering1
Intelligence and security services1
Mass media2
Oil and gas1
Show business1