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довести дело до концаstresses
gen. push the matter through; drive a nail home to the head; go the whole hog (Anglophile); drive the nail home; face the matter out; get it done (YuliaG); go through; go thorough stitch; face a matter out; push the matter the business, etc. through
amer., slang wash up
brit. go the whole log (Having already limited local taxation, why not go the whole hog and abolish it completely? cambridge.org Yan Mazor)
humor. git 'er done (YuliaG)
Makarov. drive a nail home; drive a nail to the head
довести какое-либо дело до конца
gen. do one's fill (место do может занимать любой глагол)
довести дело до благополучного конца
gen. see a business through
довести дело до конца
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
Cliche / convention1