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gen. children and young people (Children and young people (CYP) up to 18 years old make up one fifth of the UK's population. Improving their health and wellbeing is an investment in future ... Alexander Demidov); CYP (Children and young people (CYP) up to 18 years old make up one fifth of the UK's population. Improving their health and wellbeing is an investment in future ... Alexander Demidov); children and teenagers (Coronavirus: Helping children and teenagers cope with change, isolation and uncertainty. News from BACP. 3 April 2020. Exams can put children and teenagers under increasing pressure, so much so that a recent report by Childline revealed the service delivered more than 2,795 ... How much children and teenagers understand about cancer and how they react depends on their age. Alexander Demidov); youngsters (a young person or a child: • The camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14. Example Bank: • He started the youth group to keep local youngsters off the streets. • He was a talented youngster, naturally gifted at the piano. • Our aim is to encourage youngsters from all backgrounds. OALD Alexander Demidov); children of all ages (. пропаганда физической культуры и спорта среди детей и подростков: ... the position of Chair of the Council, and by instituting, in 1972, the Presidential Sports Award to further promote fitness and sports among children of all ages. Alexander Demidov); children and adolescents (This study aimed to capture key data on children and adolescents with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ... Alexander Demidov)
adv. non-adults
law minors (also called Infant, person below the legal age of majority or adulthood. The age of majority varies in different countries, and even in different jurisdictions within a country. It also differs with the type of activity concerned, such as marrying, purchasing alcohol, or driving an automobile. Twenty-one years is a common division between minors and adults. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
med. paediatric patients (Samura88)
детей и подростков
: 24 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Clinical trial1
Explanatory translation1
Health care3
United Nations1