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дела идут в горуstresses
idiom. things are looking up (for sb.: «Он [Аким Тамиров] относится к числу тех, которые преуспевают. Дела его идут в гору. […] Он получает пятьсот долларов в неделю.» («Одноэтажная Америка», Илья Ильф, Евгений Петров) • My brother had a terrible start to the year. He broke his leg, his car was stolen and then his girlfriend left him. But things are looking up now – his leg's much better and he's just got a promotion. • After a bad couple of years, things are looking up for the company. They're making a profit again and have hired some new employees. • A: We've had an awful winter, haven't we? It's been cold and wet and windy for months! B: Don't worry! Spring's round the corner – things are looking up. bbc.co.uk ART Vancouver)
Makarov. the mercury is rising
дела идут "в гору"
gen. business is booming
дела идут "в гору
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects